Monday, August 6, 2007

Sunni attacks sponsored by Iran could prolong Americans' stay in Iraq
by Corina Ciubotaru

The war on Iraq is becoming less believable every day. Bombs dropped in the wrong places along with killing and arresting countless innocent civilians have turned the war from an attempt to eradicate terrorism and install a new democratic government for the benefit of all Iraqis, into a never-ending battle for control. The American-appointed government seems unable to adopt laws that the U.S. administration considers vital for a democratic regime, let alone bring together Sunnis and Shiites in a country at peace. The war has lost its focus, fighting against the threat of Al-Qaeda terrorism, and it's turned into an attempt to control and solve the political problems of all the countries in the region, including Iran and Israel. Somewhere along the way, Americans started to think they are the only keepers of the secret to humankind's well-being and tried to impose this perfect state to others. It's no wonder the Sunnis and Shiites, the Hamas and Hizbollah, leave aside their own rivalries and attack American troops every chance they get. The few soldiers they kill aren't even close to the dozens of children massacred by the occasional wayward bombs. The secret to a successful change in Iraq would be for the American troops to retreat now that Saddam Hussein has been eliminated, and this is just what U.S. officials intend to do over time, but Iran-supported Shiite attacks may just prolong this stay. In the end, it will all come down to seeing whether the time they take doesn't prove to be too long.

related story:;_ylt=Apdy_jJ.b7W6kkk.0JPgzPus0NUE
by Corina Ciubotaru
for PocketNews (

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