Friday, September 21, 2007

Bin Laden on video
by Claudia Sonea

Due to the celebration of 9/11 events of this year, al-Qaida has began to broadcast videos and showing off their attitude. The last tape presented Osama calling the Pakistany to rebellion against their present president and motivating the assassinations attempts on Gen. Pervez Musharraf as their holy duty. Ayman al-Zawahri, bin Laden's chief deputy who is thought to be, by some counterterrorism, al-Qaida's operational chief appeared on the tape instigating the Islamic fighters from North Africa to Afghanistan and stating that their foes are nearly done, that the Americans are losing wars Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Because the core regrouped at the Afghan-Pakistani border region, the terrorist tone was triumphing. Michael Jacobson, a former FBI terrorism expert now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy admits that they have strong reasons to do it, because the insurgents are becoming stronger every day. Al-Zawahri and Abu Yahia al-Libi asks the Pakistanis to rise against their leader and bin Laden's comes to strengthen the declaration of jihad against him. The main reason is Red Mosque, a militant stronghold in the Pakistani capital overrun by commandos in July and the fact that they consider Pakistani president a lackey of the USA. The tape entitled Come to Jihad contains fatwas, or religious edicts, from hard-line Islamic scholars on the duty of Muslims to eliminate infidel rulers quoted by bin Laden. State Department spokesman Tom Casey confirmed US position saying that they are not surprise by the attempts of attracting the Pakistanis on their side, because they have been their main partners against the terrorists. It was presented the meeting of al-Qaida's leader in Afghanistan, Mustafa Abu al-Yazeed, with a senior Taliban commander, Dadullah Mansoor. They vowed eternal loyalty and help against Americans and said that the relations are becoming stronger. Will the crimes and terror end someday? Now that the rebels are more and bolder and their third tape proves it, there are many fears that should be taken in consideration. Don't go away, you might give them an idea of how to change things.

related story:;_ylt=AueRLoIayHtLy6LUybs2j7Ks0NUE
by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

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