Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Students protested against Iranian President
by Nina Gotzmannova

Monday visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Teheran University annoyed about 100 students that much that they held a protest, rare in the radical Islamic country. They called him a ‘dictator' during his speech and wished him death. The speech was held under strict security control. But the discontented students found the way how to get inside the auditorium. The beginning of the academic year was therefore memorable. Another group of the students, loyal to the regime, tried to stop the demonstrationists and shouted ‘Thank you, president' instead. Similar situation occurred in December 2006. When Ahmadinejad gave speech at Amirkabir University of Technology in Teheran, group of students interrupted him, began to throw firecrackers and burn several pictures of him. It was the first major public protest against the President since the election in 2005. Ahmadinejads response was quite unexpected. He said he feels joy, because people can enjoy their freedom and make demonstrations to show their opinion, something that was prohibited before the revolution in the eighties. But his claiming about the freedom might be not so truth as he sees it. Several newspapers supporting reformation of the system were shut down. Students who are pro-government are gaining strength and those who feel it different are ignored. Their demonstrations are not much politics; they usually want to have better school facilities or so. When Ahmadinejad was elected in 2005, he promised to reduce unemployment and fight poverty. Instead the prices have doubled or even tripled. Most possibly is only a matter of time when other citizens of Iran will use their right of freedom and demonstrate against Ahmadinejad like the students too.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071008/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iran_protest;_ylt=Au5Sigyp.D5TRHYdaYTPKxys0NUE
by Nina Gotzmannova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

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