Iran's nuclear ambitions still seen as a threat by the U.S.
by Corina Ciubotaru
The war on terrorism and everything else threatening the United States is now turning its sights on Iran as the possible next target. The U.S. is accusing Iran of trying to develop the nuclear bomb and this has created a split between the countries forming the Security Council. On one hand there's France and Britain who agree to the measure, on the other there is Russia and China, allies of Iran, who don't. These countries have veto-rights in the Security Council and the entire situation has put Iran in the situation of being questioned by the IAEA even though it has always claimed the nuclear activity is for civilian purposes only. One solution to this dispute has been proposed by Saudi Arabian Prince Saud al-Faisal who suggested the Gulf countries should set up a consortium to provide Iran with enriched uranium and set the plant outside of the countries' territories so that there will be no more problems. The Gulf countries, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are allies of the United States and this would make them less prone to terrorism suspicions. But even though this measure would probably be accepted sooner or later by America and its allies, Tehran has already declined Russia's proposal of hosting its uranium stock. Economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. haven't done much in terms of stopping Iran either and the country's leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned Europe against imposing its own economic sanctions as Europe is it's largest trading partner.
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by Corina Ciubotaru for PocketNews ( |
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