A weather storm hit the China only week before the New Year celebrations
by Ivana Bruderova
Hundreds of thousands people in China looking forward to spend the New Year celebrations with their families are endangered to spend the most festive holidays on a railway stations. Terrible winter storm hit the China and caused serious complications to whole country. People in Guangong province were waiting for their trains for hours under umbrellas and many of them refused to give up after cancelation all of the trains. According the officials the situation will not return to normal for 3 to 5 days. 200 000 people have already returned their tickets while the rest 200 000 is still waiting on stations and hope the situation will get better soon and they will spend the holidays with their families. In Guangong province are living mainly migrant workers, working for plenty of factories. Here are made all of the things from cars to iPods. The New Year celebration is for Chinese very special time of year. Many of them take a month off to go home and spend it in traditional way. In spite of the complications the general mood is calm in line with the Chinese mentality. For people is prepared an emergency shelter in China Import and Export Fair Exhibition center just few blocks from the station. Available is bottled water for free and rice with chicken legs and cabbage for about $1. There were no forecasts to such an extreme weather but President Hu Jintao warned of more bad weather and appealed to officials " be aware of the seriousness of the situation". Only the weather in following days will show how thousands of people will spend this Chinese New Year, on February 7.
by Ivana Bruderova for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv) |
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