Thursday, January 31, 2008

A weather storm hit the China only week before the New Year celebrations
by Ivana Bruderova

Hundreds of thousands people in China looking forward to spend the New Year celebrations with their families are endangered to spend the most festive holidays on a railway stations. Terrible winter storm hit the China and caused serious complications to whole country. People in Guangong province were waiting for their trains for hours under umbrellas and many of them refused to give up after cancelation all of the trains. According the officials the situation will not return to normal for 3 to 5 days. 200 000 people have already returned their tickets while the rest 200 000 is still waiting on stations and hope the situation will get better soon and they will spend the holidays with their families. In Guangong province are living mainly migrant workers, working for plenty of factories. Here are made all of the things from cars to iPods. The New Year celebration is for Chinese very special time of year. Many of them take a month off to go home and spend it in traditional way. In spite of the complications the general mood is calm in line with the Chinese mentality. For people is prepared an emergency shelter in China Import and Export Fair Exhibition center just few blocks from the station. Available is bottled water for free and rice with chicken legs and cabbage for about $1. There were no forecasts to such an extreme weather but President Hu Jintao warned of more bad weather and appealed to officials " be aware of the seriousness of the situation". Only the weather in following days will show how thousands of people will spend this Chinese New Year, on February 7.
by Ivana Bruderova
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Siege drama in provincial town in Venezuela
by Tatiana Hadarova

Last Tuesday a robbery and siege drama happened in Altagracia di Orituco in Venezuela. Police caught an ambulance in which were escaping four men after robbing the bank, arresting them and freeing captives held as hostages for two days in bank. The four men robbed the Banco Provincial on Monday and after being cornered by police, they seized several customers and employees of the bank. Now hostages say that there were more than 60 people held captive. After a day of negotiations robbers managed to escape in ambulance taking with them another hostages. They were later caught on a highway in one of the Caraca's outskirts, where they were forced to hand themselves in and free remaining hostages. State governor Eduardo Manuitt said that now they are having all the four criminals under their control. The situation was really though when the four robbers, all in their twenties had threatened to kill hostages if police tried to get into the bank or stormed the gateway vehicle. Police also did not know at that time if criminals had stolen money from bank before boarding the ambulance. Hundreds of policemen and also helicopters were involved in this bank robbery drama. According to words of one of the hostages JeanCarlos, "the most hitting moment was the first shot when they wanted to kill the guard who later escaped." Among the people held in captivity for almost 2 days was a pregnant woman, an infant child and several other children. No one was wounded, although some people were taken to hospital for check-ups. This siege drama has got light on the fact, that Venezuela is one of the OPEC nation with the highest number of gun-related deaths. Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is now warning his political allies to tackle the problem, otherwise voters might support the opposition in this year's election.

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by Tatiana Hadarova
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Peace talks between Palestine and Israel
by Daniela Simkova

Palestinian and Israeli's negotiators started talk about the peace between these two forces as they promised to the U.S. President George Bush during his last weeks visit. A peace conversation was involving an Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, a lead negotiator for Israel and Ahmed Qureia a chief Palestinian negotiator. Arye Mekel, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said: "They started talking about the core issues." The "core issue" is a phrase which refers to the main point of the status of Jerusalem, the future of Palestinian fugitives and the borders of Palestinian state as well. "It was an exploratory session, and we exchanged our views on how to approach the core issues," said Mr. Qureia, a Palestinian negotiator. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had instructed the Israeli negotiating team to begin with the discussion of the most problematic issues. Right before the start of the talks, Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for Hamas required Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to "stop giving away Palestinian blood and rights for free. This is a failed meeting that is going to provide a cover for the occupation crimes against our people." This is the literal speech of the Abu Zuhri, against the peace talks, to reporters. Mr. Olmert said that militant Islamic group is not a part of the talks. "I'm not sure the man leading the Palestinian Authority will have the power to bring about the implementation of the agreement," expressed Mr. Olmert.
by Daniela Simkova
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Monday, January 14, 2008

Baghdad in its melancholy
by Natalia Holvova

Gone are the days of glam and shine of Baghdad, the Arabic metropolis. What the war brought to the city where people lived happy everyday lives? What is Baghdad today? How can its citizens cope and accept what happened with their hometown? Is this a picture of home? Where are kinds playing around on the streets? Where are market sellers screaming and laughing all over the place? Where are night cafes full of young students, artists and devotees? War! I wish we can forget this bloodcurdling word and just avoid everything connected with sadness of Baghdad. Walking on the streets is almost impossible nowadays. Stews and unrests can find you everywhere. The famous future of young hopes of the country has changed and today everyone just try to survive and not to truckle to the pain and melancholy and people are wiling to do anything keeping them out of insanity. Imagine your hometown under the occupation, battles, fights and looting. Imagine you don't feel safe in your home. Imagine someone is destroying your home more and more everyday and the only thing you can do against it is watching the dark cloud that is beneath, in your secret places you could hide and dream in before. Imagine your favorite bank in the park under your beloved tree with view to the distance where the sun is ending its daily route and you can not even go little closer to the place. Imagine things what happened in Baghdad, happened in your town....just imagine.

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by Natalia Holvova
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Sunday, January 13, 2008

The confrontation between U.S. Navy ships and Iranian boats
by Daniela Simkova

The U.S. Navy ships USS Port Royal, USS Hopper, and USS Ingraham were on their way to Persian Gulf, when the incident had happened. The Persian Gulf is the major oil shipping route, where the ships were not supposed to be harmed. It was Sunday early morning, 5 a.m. Local time, when the Iranian boats dropped boxes in the water and warned U.S. Navy ships that they would start an explosion. Mohammed Ali Hosseini, a Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that it was all a big misunderstanding. The Iranian boats have mistaken the identity of U.S. ships, he said, but he did not want to make any comment on the warning about an explosion. "That is something normal that takes place every now and then for each party, and it (the problem) is settled after identification of the two parties," said for the the state news agency IRNA. The Iranian and U.S. Navy officials stated that fortunately there were no injuries, but one more moment and U.S. Navy would start to fire. They were preparing to self defense when suddenly the Iranian boats turned in the opposite directions. The officials do not have the exact copy of the communication between the Iranian boats and the U.S. Navy ships, but they are sure that Iranians radioed a sentence: "we're coming at you and you'll explode in a couple minutes."
by Daniela Simkova
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Great administrator with no results
by Natalia Holvova

Presidents Bush is visiting Middle East and promises new victory and solution for all the problems Middle East has for long years. Again! President claims the theory of sorting Palestinian-Israeli conflict out within a year or so. He supports both sides and is ready to help with establishing two different states that are able to live next to each other without fights. Does not that sound like a beautiful fairy-tale? It is great that the most powerful man in the world ensures people in the countries of permanent unrest of coming peace and understatement but is he really able to guarantee such a positive progress? Israeli and Palestine are continuously in distemper since 1967. After all this time is correct to say that they are used to what does not mean that they wish to keep status quo. Not at all! But limiting promises bring only new disappointments. The governance of actual American president is almost over and it seems he tries to leave with an impression of someone who led the country in a good way and who supported the world in all possible ways what is completely understandable but consequence of his decisions will stay on the arms of his descendant. There are hypothesis that the next American president will change the way Bush commanded. Anyhow he will stay a man who changed a lot. But the prosperity of his decisions will be shown up latter and it will be on the will of leaders in all involved countries which of his measures will stay and last and which will fall deep into eclipse of his reign.

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by Natalia Holvova
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Venezuela and Columbia - things are moving
by Barbora Misakova

Two captives held in jungle by Colombian rebels are back in Venezuela. After a long time, actually after 6 years of living in the jungle, Clara Rojas and her 3-year-old son are back home and very happy. When they landed in Caracas greetings were emotional. Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan President, even hugged them and kissed when they came to the presidential palace. Rojas is one of more than 750 hostages held by FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). She was Ingrid Betancourt's campaign manager in February 2002 when she was Colombian presidential candidate. Ingrid Bentacourt is anti-corruption activist and holder of 2 citizenships (French and Colombian). They both were kidnapped on February 23 in 2002 during campaign trail and hold for years in the jungle. While Rojas was freed Colombian rebels didn't agree with releasing Betancourt. Rojas had to endure a lot of pain and even she is free now, part of her is still in captivity & her 3-year-old son Emmanuel. He was born in jungle and is a son of one from Columbian guerillas. He couldn't go with his mother and so he stayed in the jungle with rebels. Rojas is very investigative and she knows the Koran, Jewish history etc. and when public found out she has a son Emmanuel her mother believed that it is a message from her daughter. She said: "I don't like melodrama, but I feel my daughter was sending us all a message by naming her son Emmanuel." The second freed hostage kidnapped by FARC was Consuelo Gonzalez, a former congresswoman who was kidnapped in September 2001. Both freed women are incredibly happy and thankful to everyone, especially to president Chavez for his humanitarian gesture, but all realize that this is not the end. This is just the beginning of the very long process of liberating more than 7 hundreds hostages still held by the FARC.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tungurahua volcano is getting ready
by Natalia Holvova

Ecuadorian active volcano Tungurahua is about to erupt! 10 villages from the western slopes were already evacuated and their dwellers are waiting for the process and effect of the forthcoming explosion. The area that is likely to be touched by lava and ash is full of growing crops that Ecuadorians take care of. The great power of volcano is unpredictable, ruinous and disruptive. There in no weapon that can reverse the natural forces. We are fighting in the wars and killing each other in the wave of iniquities but when the nature decides to take an action and use the power hidden inside of the planet, we are helpless. These are the moments when we do realize our finiteness and vulnerability. We have to face the fact we are so small and so slack. Even we can not change the weather or avert the menace of volcano eruption, we can still do something, we can still save as many as possible by guaranteeing and actual implementation of safety measures. Evacuating, financial and housing support can smooth unpleasant life situations for inhabitants of the befallen or defected areas. Solidarity and subsidiarity are human attributes that prove our pertinence to each other and in cases of unexpected situations such as volcano eruptions we help each other as much as we can to save people under the harrow. We do help each other because we do not know when we personally will need help from strangers. The evacuation in Ecuador is only the first precaution step. After Tungurahua shows its virtue, the evacuation will not be enough. This is a challenge for all of us! No matter how far Ecuador is because people of western slopes are in danger!

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by Natalia Holvova
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George W. Bush met Mahmoud Abbas
by Barbora Misakova

The most spotted person on the world is probably American president George W. Bush, who is these days on visit in West Bank in Mideast where he came on 10th January. It is his first visit of this occupied area and, as the Reuters quotes he wants to invigorate peace talks and hopes this is the first step to solving conflicts. After small problem caused by bad weather, when Bush had to travel to a meeting by motorcade instead of helicopter, he finally got the destination of his visit. As he was driving to meet with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, he past Israel's towering concrete and barbed wire barrier, which is probably more discussed than the real intention, which is peace between Palestine and Israel. Although American president claimed that he believes in peace between Palestine and Israel and consistent creation of Palestinian state on the other hand he admits it will not be so easy: "This is going to be hard work." Bush promised help to both sides but everyone has conditions. While Abbas wants Bush to force Israel to moderate its arrangements of security of the West Bank and to stop building new settlements, Bush asks from Israel continual territory of Palestinian state. The question still is how will Abbas make his peace promises come true when he governs only in the West Bank & the Gaza Strip is still under control of Hamas Islamists. If all these attempts and ambitions are realized only time will show, but according to statistics from Israel only 21 percent of the public believe that Bush's visit will bring progress in the peace process, however 77 percent don't believe so.

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How To Become A Hero
by Kamila Moravcikova

This could be an instruction what to do if you would like to be a hero. First of all, you should be young, brave, smart, not afraid to take a dare. You have to keep your eyes open and think little bit faster than all the others do. Do not forget, there is also a dark side of being a hero. Probably it will hurt a lot. You have to be prepared that you can be injured (sorry, but when you are a hero, danger is part of your job). Then you should be at a right place on a right time so you can save something or somebody (hero professionals recommend the second alternative). The best place is a public place crowded with people (the best situation is a crowd without another hero among it). You should pay your attention to the special occasions, people who play important role in a public life, for example people who are running for president or already are ones. Sure, you can save someone who is not well known, it depends on how much you want to be on public. You should chose a country, it is recommended to chose the one that is little bit turbulent as there is a greater chance that "something" will happen. What can help you a lot when becoming a hero is being a part of Scout Movement. It is not necessary but it could be helpful as the scout training is being aimed at "physical, mental and spiritual development" so the scouts "may play constructive role in society" and are always prepared. And than it is just your turn to show the whole world your abilities. This could not be an instruction what to do if you would like to be original. You can ask 15-year old Mohammed Ibrahim (who is a Boy Scout by the way) what it means to be a hero, what it means to stop the man who was trying to assassinate Maldives President Maumoon Gayoom by grabbing his knife. And you can also ask him what it means to get hurt as his was injured and could not move his fingers.

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by Kamila Moravcikova
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Monday, January 7, 2008

Saakashvili is reeelected, opposition protests
by Zuzana Moravcova

Mikhail Saakashvili won another term of election over the weekend. With nearly all of the votes counted after Saturday's poll, remains Georgia's president. However, his opponents accused him of fraud and said they would challenge the election results in court. Although all figures were in line with pre-election polling predictions, this election invited huge disaffectedness in this small former Soviet country. The main opposition candidate, Levan Gachechiladze, refused to concede the results. He claimed that a fraud tainted the election and called for street protest in the case his concerns of holding second round of voting were not addressed. The protest took place on a snowy square in the city and dispersed by early Sunday afternoon on a major holiday in Georgia. "We have won despite pressure, despite intimidation, despite televised terror exerted against us," Gachechiladze said at the rally of several thousand people. Despite having about one year left in his five-year term, Saakashvili called the election early hoping for winning a new mandate to govern, after ordering a police crackdown on protests and declaring a state of emergency Nov. 7. , Over 500 people were wounded in the dispersing of demonstrators, none fatally. Georgia is the third-largest contributor of troops in Iraq, after only the United States and Britain, and has deployed 2,000 soldiers there. Therefore this country is important to the United States as an ally in the Iraq war. The campaign organization of Saakashvili is an U.S.-educated leader close to the Bush administration, that has cited Saakashvili's government as an example of democratic success in a region where that has been scarce. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe called the vote "in essence consistent with most OSCE and Council of Europe commitments and standards for democratic elections" ,but also noted violations. "To our knowledge, there were very few violations that could be regarded as serious." said Giorgi Kandelaki, a spokesman for the Ministry of Justice.
by Zuzana Moravcova
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Three months as a castaways
by Ivana Bruderova

In Russia, 11 people have lived probably three the most exciting or the most terrifying months in their lives. On October 10, the group began fishing expedition off the Kamchatka Peninsula, but was overtaken with storm which damaged their two boats and made them in fact, castaways. They were not able to repair the boats, so their temporary home become a remote area of the Pacific coast. With slander chance of calling for help, they find rescue in a deserted military base situated in this area where they found shelter. They eat only flour found there, burning old furniture for heat and fuel. It's difficult to imagine what they had lived and which elementary problems they had to solve. Almost three months later their food started to be run out of food, so they were forced to divide their group and let someone try to find help. They sent five of them to bring help. And they had luck. After four day walking they found a military unit which rescued also another members of expedition.
by Ivana Bruderova
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