Monday, December 6, 2010

Consciously heading towards conflict
by Milota Sidorova

Although Beijing sought for peace between two Koreas after military incident on Yeonpyeong Island last week, the situation seems to be quite opposite. Conflict is moving along via harrasment, continuing military drills, background diplomatic ties and the presence of the U.S. naval forces in South Korea. Instead of pushing back and seeking solutions it is now South Korea that is going further with its military exercises that provoke Pyongyang for another intervention. Although it's all been covered under a revenge for the attack from last week when the target was a military base but also homes of civilians as well virtually for the first time since the Korean war in 1950s. S! outh Korea seems to be on the move and ride, backed up by Washinghton military support. The situation has been sharpened by secret emails between Seoul and Washinghton that went online via Wikileaks last week. According to these documents South Korea and the U.S. have been talking about „unified Korea“ under the reign of Seoul for a longer time. One can be sure that all these movements along with diplomatic talks about Northern Korea without Northern Korea are fiasko as well. South Korea carried on its military drills not even regarding current diplomatic meeting of South Korea, Japan and U.S. in Washinghton and the statement of its Northern neighbor that these kind of movements would aggravate already high tensions. This time drills took place far from disputed border, but it seems they were not the last. Some observers have been talking about the war – according to these statements North Korea couldn't afford a full scale war even with nuclear weapons, ! since South Korean went to the conflict hand in hand with the ! U.S. And for the U.S. this is another „casual“ war. In fact U.S. is the most aggresive country in the world – in more-less 200 years of its history they participated or created more than 10 major war conflicts and that is the record that no country in the world can break.

related story (sgx18714):
by Milota Sidorova
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