Korean Affair between War and Apathy
by Milota Sidorova
Although military events and actions between North and South Korea have increased tensions and evoked fears of upcoming war, it seems it is nothing surprising for markets. If we speak economy, markets and stocks haven't drowned that amount it was expected. According to Moody's Investor Service one hour lasting artillery fire causing 4 deads didn't mean something grave, because „event risks“ were already factored into South Korean credit ratings. Literally markets didn't believe that the war was coming, despite the fact U.S. war ships were allying with South Korea. But talks concerning Korea affair were about to come and these meetings should concern both Koreas! , China, Russia, U.S. and Japan. North Korea however abandoned talks two years ago and it may not be willing participate now. But kind of global pressure is falling on Beijing that fails to influence its North-East neighbor. According to international observers China fears that close ties with North Korea may be influenced in wrong way. So far, North Korea showed its independent and fearless side, backed by the power of nuclear weapons that possesses. But there is also another ticking bomb that is about to explode. Server Wikileaks informed the most powerful world daily newspapers (British Guardian, French Le Monde or Spanish El Pais) that it possessed materials containing a cache of U.S. diplomatic cables. Wikileaks reported that there were talks between U.S. and South Korea officials about the future of „Unified Korea“. Well if this wasn't a recipe for a war conflict, then it was nothing. Wikileaks said it was about to release more than 250 secret mails betwee! n Washinghton and U.S. embassies all around the world containi! ng raw i nformations (plans within plans). Wikileaks caused nightmares in Pentagon and made Hillary Clinton to phone U.S. allies to „comfort“ them. According to Wikileaks U.S. knew that there were ties between Iran and North Korea, labeled Russian Prime Minister as an„Alpha Mate“ and French President Nicolas Sarkozy was a „Naked Emperror“. So far, Washinghton accepted the tune of information was discriminating, but haven't denied the content. According to observers these information may cause deep diplomatic ice age between U.S. and the rest of the world, especially Northern part of „Unified Korea“.
related story (sgx18672): http://news.yahoo.c! om/s/nm/us_korea_north;_ylt=Alhwajj5eXdxR...
by Milota Sidorova for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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