Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Authors of the Cambodian genocide are to appear in court
by Corina Ciubotaru

In Cambodia, some justice is about to be done to the survivors of the "Killing Fields" under Pol Pot's regime. Even though the leader himself has died in 1998, his Number 2 has recently been arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. Nuon Chea, now aged 82, is in bad health after a stroke and will receive medical care to make sure he survives until the verdict. He is believed to have been Pol Pot's right hand man and chief ideologue and he is held directly responsible for the death of 1.7 million people from starvation, exhaustion and execution, during four years: 1975-1979. When he was arrested, he was living in a little cottage near the Thailand border and his neighbor was former President Khieu Samphan, who is also expected to be arrested in the same trial. Prosecutors want to bring another three men to justice besides Nuon Chea and Kaing Guek Eav, head of the S-21 torture center, who have already been trialed; Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Meas Muth are believed to be those three men. Another leader of the regime, Ta Mok the military chief, died before he could face the trials expected to begin early next year. The genocide court in Cambodia is believed to be weak and the proceedings are going slowly because of political intervention. But it is necessary to bring the former heads of government to court in order to give peace to the few survivors of the period. Death is not considered enough punishment for the authors of this genocide.

related story:

by Corina Ciubotaru
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edited by Barbora Matulova

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