Thursday, March 6, 2008

Peace Talks Successful under Rice?
by Barbora Kasparova

One of the 20th century main conflicts over religion and land may finally come to an end. The U.S. involvement in the Israeli-Palestine conflict under the governance of the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice prospects a successful finish. Although, the crucial questions of the border between the states, and of the Jerusalem territory have still not been answered, both parties seem to understand the time is running out. Rice sees the deadline in the end of George Bush's term and is refusing critics that the U.S. foreign administration has neglected the issue.The first direct mutual agreement between the State of Israel and the Palestinians - The Oslo Accords in 1993 were never fulfilled (signed also by Bill Clinton), and there have been several initiatives ever since to resolve the conflict. Rice feels the atmosphere is perfect, as with the upcoming presidential election in the U.S. , according to the Baltimore Sun web site, the Israel has expressed a worry that "a Democrat less friendly to Israel's security interests might be the next U.S. president." (,0,2070843.story?track=rss)Rice is trying hard to avoid previous mistaken steps taken in the peace-making process; she's contacted two former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter for the advice on the conflict. During the last weeks of Bush administration, she will do her best to help create "a viable, independent Palestinian state living side by side with a secure Israel", as stated by Reuters ( After all, it would be a personal achievement for Rice to be the one behind the solution.

related story:;_ylt=Ai4__.WnsQRsW_lSOk9ZW6es0NUE

by Barbora Kasparova
for PocketNews (

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Edited by Iveta Nagyova

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