Monday, April 7, 2008

Argentian"s female President Claudia Sonea

Women are becoming more and more independent and the gap that existed for many centuries between them and the men is slowly filling in. In USA there is already a history of women as space shuttle commanders and now South America amazes with two female Presidents, Michelle Bachelet in Chile and starting Monday, October 10, Cristina Fernandez is Argentina's first elected female president. During 2001 and 2002 Argentina went through an economic meltdown and the nation hopes that Fernandez together with her husband Nestor Kirchner who made a great job while he was President (May 25, 2003 until December 10, 2007) increasing his center-left economic programs, creating jobs and reducing high poverty levels, will make will get them through the economic crisis. In her inaugural speech after she was sworn President, her husband achievements were underlined and her effort to continue her husband work was also added. Fernandez won the elections on a left-leaning ticket and using the divided opposition she succeeded to gain 45 percent. Furthermore, the clever campaign of refusing to debate the rivals and giving as few interviews as possible, while media photographed her meeting world leaders, is considered to have been the key of her election. She managed to hide her lack of administrative experience and revealed her diplomatic qualities. Compared to Hillary Clinton, Fernandez might forge better ties with US President, without spoiling the alliance of her husband with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. Meantime, in Argentina she will have to deal with the inflation that private economists estimate in the double digits, corruption scandals and a long-sputtering energy crisis, unemployment and poverty, problems that remained unsolved from her husband term. Cheered by supporters outside Congress waving blue-and-white flags, Argentina's President vowed to get the trials that have been delayed more than 30 years concluded, to strengthen Argentina's oft-criticized justice system, overhaul a poorly funded system of public schools and tackle rampant crime and a looming energy crisis. In Argentina's history the first female president was Isabel Peron, the second wife of former strongman Juan Peron that assumed power after her husband death and 20 months later she was ousted due to a coup. However, the alliance with her husband and people's trust in her assure that she will not have the same fate. Bravo to her and to her election that represents a step forward for women everywhere.

related story:;_ylt=AlRFJSB548nAYl3BrLjeLIqs0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova

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