Monday, April 14, 2008

Help for victims of the cyclone in Bangladesh
by Ludmila Martinicka

Suman Sengupta, director of the children in Bangladesh feared the final death toll of the tropical cyclone, that hit Bangladesh on Thursday, will take 10 000 to 15 000 victims. Forecasts based on experience and reports from the scene were talking about high numbers. Despite of the bad forecasts, the death toll didn't reach more then 4 000 of victims till now. Early warning programme provide by government had saved vast of people. About 1.5 million of people were able to hide in shelters.Fakkhruddin Ahmed, interim country leader promised the help to the damaged areas. Washington, European union, British, German, French and other governments decided to offer their help to Bangladesh immediately. Army helicopters, navy, military, rescue teams, food and non-food help were sent to the country. International groups and international aid organizations as WFP (World Food Programme), The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society didn't stay behind. Together, sent help makes tones of food and relief materials and thousands of rescuers. Financial help for rebuilding houses is counted in millions of dollars. Pope Benedict XVI consider the victims to be hardly tested and calls for every possible effort to help them.There are still unreached areas, where rescue teams didn't arrived yet. Hopefully, the forecasts and warning programs will be even more effective in the future and shelters reachable for more people. Instead of overcoming the bad situations best as we can, we will be able to avoid them before they affect.

related story:;_ylt=Aj0Z0M_qBoQmUCBeI3EU0dGs0NUE

by Ludmila Martinicka
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Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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