Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Iraq is making progress, but isn't quite ready to be left to its own devices
by Corina Ciubotaru

The Republicans and the Democrats can't agree whether a local police in charge of peace-keeping is required in Iraq or not. Should the troops be kept in the country indefinitely or should the Iraqis be left to handle things on their own? They have a President, a government and a police force that is thought to be corrupt. And right now they are relying on the American forces to stop them from attacking each other. It's true that changes expected from Iraq are great and that the country needs to grow more on the path of democracy and justice before they can make their own peace but this change was forced upon them. They are being taught how to behave and a good teacher should know when to back down and let the student learn by his own mistakes. Now, the Republicans think the police forces need to be trained properly before the troops can be brought home, while the Democrats would want the Iraqis to handle things on their own, because they might become rebellious if they are given too much knowledge and weapons. Only time will tell who is right in this argument and the future of Iraq will hopefully become more of their own responsibility over time. After all, the local army there seems to become stronger and better equipped every day, and the special forces can make their country and trainers proud. The police are also doing better, as training is improving and it seems the number of attacks has fallen.

related story:;_ylt=AtxRJpFvVFuIl2Pk1i9fE02s0NUE

by Corina Ciubotaru
for PocketNews (

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Edited by: Katarina Zerzanova

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