Chris Cantell Discusses World News: China distater Lucia Hrusovska
A big disaster in a form of an earthquake, which happened in China 10 days ago, brought about extensive damage and what is more serious and sad, caused many victims. This awful tragedy touched the heart of everybody, many people were killed, injured, lost family members or their homes. China city Beichuan, which was in an epicenter of this disaster does not exist anymore. Soldiers are now focusing on preventing an flourishing epidemic to spread. In the town, which once upon a time used to be a home to more than 30,000 people, you can now see just ruins of former buildings, heavy equipment, which started toppling couple of buildings left standing, people in white overalls and roaming dogs and chickens. Members of Chinese police walk through the earthquake hit town and spray antiseptic chemicals on everything: on trees, buildings even on shoes of people leaving the town. More than 10 days after such disaster, there is no more hope, that somebody can be still alive and the most important thing now, is to protect the living part of Chinese nation. As also Premier Wen Jiabao declared, that the motherland will never forget all the killed people as well as nobody from us, but it is important to be brave and rebuild the crashed town again as a symbol of our power. The current problem, which the government has to solved is not connected only with epidemic. There is still huge amount of living people who lost their homes and now are forced to live in tents, which is not enough. We all hope, that officials handle this situation in short time and people return back to their original lives.
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by Lucia Hrusovska for PocketNews ( |
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edited by Tatiana Kucharikova
Labels: CantellTV, Chris Cantell, Christopher Cantell, digital broadcasting, SigEx Foundry, SigEx Telecom, World News
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