Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Serbia's pro-Western president declares victory in elections

Last weekend was very interesting, bit exciting and also important enough for citizens and politicians in Serbia. Because the abortive parliamentary election took place there this time. There are no official results yet, but according to those running, the winner of this election is Boris Tadic, whose policy is directed to the West Europe and European Union. This was kind of surprise that the Democratic party won, because analytics have predicted that the party who wins this election will be Nikolic's ultranationalist Serbian Radical Party. But probably they were false, because Tadic obtained something about 39 per cent of votes and Nikolic approximately less than 30 per cent. According to my, but not only my opinion, it will be very difficult for Tadic to assemble the new government. It is because he didn't get more than a half of votes. And this means that he probably won't have enough seats in parliament. He needs to have at least 126 seats in order to lead the country and now he disposes only with 103. The second problem in assembling is the fact, that his rivals want to co-operate, because as Nikolic claimed, they have similar targets and ideology, so the collaboration would mean certain advantages for them. And when they ally together, they will acquire 127 seats, which means majority in the parliament. Election swept also in Kosovo, which became independent this February. There were prepared steps to eliminate possible conflict, but fortunately there wasn't any. UNO was against the election in Kosovo and branded it as illegal but didn't forbid people to vote. The future of this country is depended on this election. Because when pro-western oriented democratic party is the leader of the Serbia, the door to the Europe will be open with certain advantages to the people living in this country. But when Serbian Radial Party with its allies, conservative and socialistic parties, governs, country will direct to the Russia and won't cooperate with the European Union. So I think it will be interesting to keep an eye on where this country will aim and what it will mean for its citizens.

related story:;_ylt=AvC5icDKt446ywdU7bJq81is0NUE

by Radka Konkolova
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