Two Weeks Delay of Election Results in Zimbabwe. Transparent Enough?
by Milota Sidorova
By the end of March, Zimbabwe saw maybe the most influencial event in its political direction. The leading Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU - PF) met in the ring with the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and although the British press announced the victory of the opposition party, the results remain unknown till now. Almost two week's information embargo has raised general dissent. Moreover, several journalists have been arrested and as well as few attacks opposition activists, toghether imply series of troubles.The Movement for Democratic Change carries on insisting, that it had won the election and suspects ZANU PF of nontransparential steps.According the director of Bulawayo Agenda, a coalition of civil society groups in Zimbabwe's second largest city, Gordon Moyo, 'all the parties should accept the results, when already the ruling ZANU-PF party is recounting the results, opening boxes, tainting the results. He critises the involuntary state of accetpting results without qualification, adding, that the upcoming results will be probably 'cooked ones'.Opposition, led by Morgan Tsvangirai, points out the backlash of Mugabe's statements. Still they do hope to set back ZANU- PF along with political supply of its neighbours. They expect his renounce after the short period of possible leading, taking advantage of 'quiet diplomacy' from South Africa's president President Thabo Mbeki, a longtime opponent of taking strong action against Mugabe.However, even Zambia's regional heads of state have urged for calm in Zimbabwe and release of results, they seem to be hidden. The possibility of run off election toughens general pressure in every aspect.
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by Milota Sidorova for PocketNews ( |
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edited by: Lenka Macurakova
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