Freed Betancourt
by Barbora Misakova
Imagine your life is just like in the movie. You are known and popular persona, maybe a presidential candidate. You are doing your best to get as many voices as you can, and so you are not thinking sometimes on your own safety. You are visiting dangerous areas and doing everything just to lead your fight as anti-corruption activist. You have a bright idea what you would do for your country if you were a president. And that's why you are doing everything to make your dream true. Pretty nice picture isn't it? But we are not living in fairy tales at all. One day, a big group of masked men block your car, take you out and by violence put you into their van which is driving nowhere. You have probably a bag on your had, you are lying on the ground of the car, you heart is beating as never and you head is spinning. What's going on? Who are these people? What are they doing? And why? So many questions and no answers. Just pain in the whole body and fear. After a long drive, you are too exhausted that you are not able to think. All you know is that you were kidnapped, just like the hundreds of other hostages which are surrounding you now. Days are passing by. You are still living somewhere in the jungle, most of the time chained to a tree. When you are not chained you are walking through jungle with hundreds of hostages. You are still thinking about your family and praying. That's actually all you can do. Then, after six long years when you really think that everything is over, you are freed. You and other 14 people. After such a long time of hoping and praying, after a time when you were already loosing a hope, you are freed. You are going to see your family, you husband, children. You will see them, talk to them, hug them as you used to before. There is no better explanation than you are living a miracle.
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by Barbora Misakova for PocketNews ( |
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edited by Katarina Gaskova
Labels: CantellTV, Chris Cantell, Christopher Cantell, digital broadcasting, SigEx Foundry, SigEx Telecom, World News
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