Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Playing Innocent...Irony for Thousands of Victims
by Milota Sidorova

It has taken more than decade to bring 63 years former Serbian President Radovan Karadzic to face his crimes to international trial in Hague.
In the time, when almost nobody believed to reopen yet loved and hated controversial leader's file, Karadzic has been suprisingly arrested in a tram in Belegrad. Hiding under bearded healer's mask, he has been sent right into Hague. Although his lawyer gave in the permission to delay his deliver, Serbian Departement of Justice declared it hasn't received any documentation on Monday.

Karadzic has been placed in U.N. Jail cell of 15 m square with pc and internet connection. Freshly shaved and charismatic he has entered the first trial hearing on Thursday.

Tired however self confident he denied all 56 points of prosecution, that he has been charged from.
He is about to face the mass murders, purging the country from non Serbs and crimes against the humanity. Talking in numbers it's been more than 100,000 killed people during Bosnian war in 1992 – 1995. Among the list of accusation, he will defend himself from Srebrenica case, selective killing thousands of Muslim's boys and men.

However, it seems the justice has finally taken place in here, the whole trial has reminded kind of school lesson. Despite the Judge Alphons Orie's warnings Karadzic has confidently declared he was about to defend himself on his own. Later on he was strictly cut off when tried to read his 4 page long list of numerous irregularities, pointing to contradictive 1996 deal with U.S.
Karadzic showed disappointment by violating contract, that he will be left alone in case he quits politics in 1996.
Judge told Karadzic that trial will hear his speech at the proper moment, that exactly wasn't this one.

Naturally, accused U.S. has rapidly disclosed Karadzic's notes. Playing nobodies, Sean McCormick pointed that Holbroke really did go to Belegrad in 1996 to discuss his withdrawal, but there wasn't any rewarding deal behind. And as usual, the highest representatives have remained in silence.
Karadzic had to rebel the trial, that is being linked with Slobodan Milosevic, who died in jail on heart attack in 2006, after 4 year long trial.
Critics worry that Karadzic trial can be delayed as well.

The trial has been broadcasted in many coffee shops and restaurants in Belegrad, sinking in double sided emotions. Despite of a protest following his arrest, the majority of citizen prove little satisfaction.
Nobody can bring to life thousands of sons, husbands and brothers. That can't be covered by any kind of patriotism. From this point, it is a little satisfaction to see Karadzic responding his actions.

However, it has been exactly the army of U.N. that has purposely abandoned the areas (declared as U.N. Safe zones) and let Serbs later on Albanians to fetch their blood rewards. They could save the citizen, but they didn't.
They were playing imaginery force, always missing the target.
In this case, there should be also trial over much more of those who today sit on the opposite side of former Serbian President Radovan Karadzic.

Orie has scheduled the next trial meeting on Aug 29th .

related story:;_ylt=As2u4Py8QXsA9hwHQP.XuM.s0NUE

by Milota Sidorova
for PocketNews (

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