Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Terrorism – offender of 21st century?
by Barbora Misakova

I still remember the day, when all TV channels around the world were broadcasting pictures of two airplanes flying into the WTC skyscrapers. I remember how shocked I was when I heard about it and I can still see my brother and me sitting in the living room without word and watching that terrible news. It was just unbelievable for me, that someone could be able to do it; that someone could be able to kidnap airplane full of innocent passengers and use it (and also them!) as a gun. Unfortunately there was such a person, and what is even worse, there is still enough madmen living in the world. When we just think of terrorist attacks in Russia, Spain, London and other big cities – it is a proof that terrorism is a new gun, and a brand new way of negotiation. The latest terroristic attacks hit the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra – Mumbai for which will go down as an Indian September 11.

On Wednesday the groups of terrorists occupied many strategic places – most of them are important financial centers such as Metro cinema, coffee bar Leopold, hotels Oberoi and Taj Mahal. Guests and civilians were enjoying ordinary evening at the coffee or good supper until young terrorist started gunfire. Almost 150 people were killed; more then 280 injured and now the streets of Mumbai are bathing in their blood. Indian troops hit immediately and specialized commandos gradually freed hostages in both hotels. Hotel Taj Mahal was later set on fire by the terrorists. Most of the people as well as Indians themselves believe it is “work” of young Islamic terrorists who had an aim to kill foreigners especially Americans and citizens of the United Kingdom. That’s why they chose 5-stars hotels, Jewish center, buildings of favorite coffee house and cinema, which services are usually used by visitors of Mumbai. No matter who is behind these terrible attacks, and for what reason did they do it, it is rough and unforgivable violent act, which will probably not stay without revenge.

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by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

The War on Terror
by Claudia Sonea

Peopled loved to travel since the dawns of mankind. Yet, nowadays it has become dangerous because of terrorists. They are as their name suggests a terror for the whole world and although I am strongly against the US fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan, something must definitely be done to stop the terrorists.
Some of the most appealing places for terrorists are the airports (which have a very strong security), the embassies (which are heavily guarded) and of course the hotels because everyone needs a place to stay while traveling. Foreign businessmen, tourists, and other people make from international hotels the vital connection to the rest of the world. Pakistan, Jordan, Afghanistan and Mumbai, India already faced terrorist attacks: Serena Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan (eight guests slaughtered in January), Radisson hotel in Amman (a wedding); the Marriott in Islamabad, Pakistan (54 people killed, 250 wounded in September); the Marriott Hotel in Cairo, Egypt ; Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels (three days shooting rampage), etc. These hotels like all the others have a policy of accepting anyone that is dressed decent and has money to pay for a room or for a drink at the hotels’ restaurant.
In spite of security barriers (in Islamabad- heavy concrete barriers with surveillance cameras, bomb detector, and kiosks with militaries), metal detectors and surveillance gear, the hotels are hard to defend because of the huge perimeter and the symbols they stand for. Now, in countries like Egypt or Jordan some hotels look like military camps due to the importance offered to tourists. It is still hard for people to have the courage to go after all the bad publicity. Would you go?

related story:;_ylt=AtKTpAS7huFtYWgAKO5SIwqs0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: 101 ubieni vo napadite vo Mumbai
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Indija beše šokirana od serijata teroristički napadi koi se slučija vo Mumbai, finansiskiot kapital na Indija, vo sredata. Očigledno islamističkite militanti celele kon stranski turisti. Odgovornosta ja prezede grupata narečena "Decan Mudzahedini". Napadite bea fokusirani na dva luksuzni hoteli kade teroristite gi zemaa kako založnici gostite, isto taka nekoi turistički točki bea napadnati, restorani, železničkata stanica, evrejskiot centar. Vo četvrtokot ranoto anti teroristička edinica dojde na mestoto i otvori ogan nad militantite. Nivniot napor rezlutiraše so osloboduvanje na gostite. Kratko posle toa, gorniot sprat od Taj hotelot goreše vo plameni od nepoznati pričini, no ne e jasno dali napagačite bile sé ušte vnatre. "Tie bea navistina mladi, kako momčinja, nosejki samo farmerki i maički," izjavi eden od britanskite gosti. "Tie rekoa deka gi sakaat site so britanski i amerikanski pasoš i potoa ne odnesoa gore. Mislam deka sakaa da ne odnesat na pokrivot," izjavi toj i dodade deka uspeale da izbegaat so ušte eden od založnicite. Imaše i eden italijanec, koj, znaete, tie rekoa: "Od kade si?" i toj reče deka e od Italija i tie rekoa "dobro" i go ostavija na strana.I pomisliv: "Dobro, tie ke me ubijat ako me prašaat bilo što - i blagodaram na Gospoda što ne me ubija," izjavi toj. Oficijalnata brojka iznesuva 101 ubien i poveke od 300 luge povredeni. Ostanatiot del od svetot gi osudi napadite "so najstrogite možni termini" narekuvajki gi "zastrašuvački" i "užasni". Ova ne e edinstveniot slučaj na vakvi koordinirani napadi vo Indija. Imaše bran takvi vo poslednite meseci. Minatiot mesec napadite vo Asam odzedoa okolu 80 životi. Isto taka glavniot grad Nju Delhi beše pogoden so bombaški napadi ostavajki poveke od 20 zaginati,.

related story:;_ylt=AsYnvY1uU97y4B02DqLEln.s0NUE

by Zuzana Zelenakova
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Vojnata protiv terorot
by Claudia Sonea

Lugeto sakaat da patuvaat od početocite na čoveštvoto. Da, ovie denovi toa stana opasno poradi teroristite. Tie se, kako što kažuva i nivnoto ime teror za celiot svet i pokraj toa što silno se protivam poradi vojnata na SAD so Irak ili Afganistan, nešto mora da se napravi za da se soprat teroristite.
Nekoi od najprivlečnite mesta za teroristite se aerodromite (koi imaat mnogu golema bezbednost), ambasadite (koi se čuvaat) i se razbira hotelite zatoa što site sakaat da otsednat nekade kade što patuvaat. Stranskite biznismeni, turisti i drugite luge pravat od megunarodnite hoteli vitalna konekcija so ostanatiot del od svetot. Pakistan, Jordan, Afganistan i Mumbai, Indija veke se soočija so teroristički napadi: Serena hotelot vo Kabul, Afganistan (osum gosti bea masakrirani vo januari), Radison hotelot vo Amam (svadba), Mariot vo Islamabad, Pakistan (54 luge ubieni, 250 raneti vo septemvri), Mariot hotelot vo Kairo, Egipet, Tadz Mahal i Oberoi hotelite (tri dneven otvoren ogan) itn. Ovie hoteli kako site ostanati imaat politika da gi prifakaat site koi se pristojno oblečeni i imaat pari da otsednat vo soba ili za pijalok vo hotelskite restorani.
I pokraj bezbednosnite barieri (vo Islamabad - teški betonski ogradi so kameri za nabljuduvanje, detektori za bombi i kioski so militanti), metalni detektori i oprema za nabljuduvanje, hotelite teško se branat poradi golemiot parametar i simbolite koi gi pretstavuvaat. Sega, vo zemjite kako Egipet i Jordan nekoi od hotelite izgledaat kako voeni kampovi poradi važnosta koja im se nudi na turistite. Dali e teško za lugeto koi imaat hrabost sepak da patuvaat i pokraj lošiot publicitet. Dali vie bi odele?

related story:;_ylt=AtKTpAS7huFtYWgAKO5SIwqs0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (
translated by Zivka Deleva

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by beata Biskova

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