Terrorism – offender of 21st century?
by Barbora Misakova
I still remember the day, when all TV channels around the world were broadcasting pictures of two airplanes flying into the WTC skyscrapers. I remember how shocked I was when I heard about it and I can still see my brother and me sitting in the living room without word and watching that terrible news. It was just unbelievable for me, that someone could be able to do it; that someone could be able to kidnap airplane full of innocent passengers and use it (and also them!) as a gun. Unfortunately there was such a person, and what is even worse, there is still enough madmen living in the world. When we just think of terrorist attacks in Russia, Spain, London and other big cities – it is a proof that terrorism is a new gun, and a brand new way of negotiation. The latest terroristic attacks hit the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra – Mumbai for which will go down as an Indian September 11.
On Wednesday the groups of terrorists occupied many strategic places – most of them are important financial centers such as Metro cinema, coffee bar Leopold, hotels Oberoi and Taj Mahal. Guests and civilians were enjoying ordinary evening at the coffee or good supper until young terrorist started gunfire. Almost 150 people were killed; more then 280 injured and now the streets of Mumbai are bathing in their blood. Indian troops hit immediately and specialized commandos gradually freed hostages in both hotels. Hotel Taj Mahal was later set on fire by the terrorists. Most of the people as well as Indians themselves believe it is “work” of young Islamic terrorists who had an aim to kill foreigners especially Americans and citizens of the United Kingdom. That’s why they chose 5-stars hotels, Jewish center, buildings of favorite coffee house and cinema, which services are usually used by visitors of Mumbai. No matter who is behind these terrible attacks, and for what reason did they do it, it is rough and unforgivable violent act, which will probably not stay without revenge.
related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_india_shooting;_ylt=AoiA3.B7mCdVcdN2FBpH96Ws0NUE
by Barbora Misakova for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv) |
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