Thursday, September 3, 2009

American reporters released from North Korea
by kristina leskova

Two American reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee are finally at home. They arrived together with former American president Bill Clinton to United States of America. They were captured in North Korea more than four months. They went to China to write an article about North Korean women who are forced into sex trade or arranged marriages. Both reporters followed their guide when he suddenly led them through a frozen river and they found in North Korea. But as they claim they immediately went back to Chinese soil. But North Korean border guards catched them and violently dragged them to North Korea. These two girls were too weak to fight against them. Their guide and producer Mi! tch Koss were able to escape. These girls were accused from illegal trespass into North Korea. Both girls agreed that they entered North Korea but there were no signs of international border. After their capture they were sentenced to twelve years of hard labour. Two reporters were moved into guesthouse in Pyongyang and held here until Bill Clinton helped them. After their arrest they swallowed their notes, damaged videotapes and made other steps to protect the identities of their sources. Until this day reporters do not know if they were lured into a trap. Their guide behaved oddly but it was their decision to follow him. Now they are happy that Bill Clinton helped them. He negotiated with North Korea and after that the two reporters were pardoned. This step is a good signal and could mean that North Korea want to collaborate.

related story (sgx15284):
by kristina leskova
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