Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Madeira Floods
by Barbora Misakova

It looks like human race will never live in peace. We started the war with nature, and now we are losing this game. It is more than one month what Haiti was hit by powerful earthquake. More than 200,000 people died. Today we have to face another catastrophe. Portuguese island of Madeira is flooded because of torrential rain which caused also mudslides. It was reported that 42 people have died so far and more than 120 people were injured. But as emergency workers have warned the toll will probably rise. Demolished houses, overturned cars and torn power and telephone lines are nothing in comparison with a great loss of life. Medical and rescue teams from Lisbon are heading to! the Atlantic island to help. Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates and also Football star Cristiano Ronaldo promised help for relief efforts. As Ronaldo said: “It is a huge catastrophe, a tragedy without precedent. No-one can remain indifferent to a calamity of such huge proportions, least of all me who was born and grew up in Madeira.” The Portuguese naval frigate set off its medical team and relief supplies, regional government held talks with European Commission President in a bid to get EU aid. Spain and Canary Islands have also offered an aid. The biggest damage is on the south of the island around Funchal, Madeira’s capital. Lower part of Funchal, where live about 250,000 people, was evacuated. With winds exceeding 100 kilometers an hour and high seas these storms were the worst and deadliest in Madeira since October 1993.

related story (sgx16554): http://www.france24.com/en/20100221-! aid-rush es-madeira-rains...
by Barbora Misakova
for SigEx Ventures (http://sigexventures.com)

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