Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Soldier is saved from the evel hands of columbian rebels
by Zivka Deleva

After one year under hostage, Colombian soldier Josue Daniel Calvo from the Red Cross mission, was freed by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. One more soldier is now the next to be released. One year ago he was wounded and captured in the southern jungle. His father and sister waited for him. He, normally, didn’t want to talk. The happiness was endless. He was not the only hostage that the FARC held, even for longer time. Some of the recent released hostages that have spent more years in camps when they suffered from tropical diseases. The rebels announced a releasing of Calvo and another soldier Sgt. Pablo Emilio Moncayo an year ago, but then disagreement! s showed between them and the President Alvaro Uribe, because he accused them that they use hostages to gain some political attention. It is very well known that Uribe is an aggressive fighter against FARC and very often negotiates with them, like when he had to rescue former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, three U.S military contractors and 11 other captives. This event happens just few months before the new presidential election in May. Another 23 police and soldiers are FARC hostages. The other soldier should be released today, after 12 years when rebels took over his army base. He is maybe the longest held hostage by now from FARC. It is a public secret that this organization finance it self with cocaine trafficking and kidnapping. It operates the most in the southern jungles, where the state security is still very weak. Not rarely, these outlaws kidnap famous politicians.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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