Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cote d'Azur hit by floods
by Milota Sidorova

Summer moved on, I guess it says the old, famous song. Literally it has moved on, but somewhere far away. Europe, or at least its Central nad Western part has changed into one muddy platform. For weeks, heavy rainclouds twisted in strange South-East direction, bringing nothing but long and generous rains.Long ago, farmers projected their dark visions towards crops and harvest this year, the water did its part of the disaster. Past weeks have left thousands of kilometers of damaged fields, vulnerable to insects and another rain. The rivers grew and rose and spilled out of their ways. Floods and mosquitos hit many regions including France, Germany, Czech and Slovak Republic, ! Poland and Hungary.Consequences have been innumerable, thousands of people had to be relocated into temporary shelters, hundreds of them have lost their homes and several dozens died. Huge floods have taken place also in French Cote d'Azur where it forced to move around 2,000 people from their homes. Rainclouds didn't move further and in a week they dropped more than 350 millimeters that is more than its typical six-month period. Rains have also damaged significant parts of regional vineyards and with the rising water and mud level, hopes of local residents to survive another generous summer season pumped with thousands of tourists have failed. Businessmen as well as manufacturers, farmers and engineers suggest it would take more than a month to return to normal conditions. The flood barriers collapsed last days and the water flooded the streets, fields as well as vineyards. The situation has been so harsh that even President Nicolas Sarkozy visited South-Eastern Var region! . So far French government has started emergency funds, but on! e can gu ess it would cost much more than current plans. Everyone hopes the government will provide long-term donations for local industries.

related story (sgx17659): http://www.france24.com/en/20100621-sarkozy-visits-flood-dev...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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