Monday, August 30, 2010

Sentenced to 60 years still searching for the justice in Mexico
by Zivka Deleva

You definitely don't want to do a crime in Mexico because you'll get very well punished! Frenchwoman Florence Cassez is sentenced to 60 years and was convicted of kidnapping. She is trying to decrease the punishment with her attorney. According to them, Cassez is not guilty and the decision was "unconstitutional". One of the biggest moments that are to mention as violation of the Mexican constitution from the beginning of the process and the way this woman was arrested. It's been almost five years since Cassez is been arrested. And believe it or not, the operation itself was broadcasted on Mexican TV. I know it sounds crazy and off course it is not moral and legal to do, ! but maybe it is not bad to bring to reason everyone that plans to make a crime. But, according to Cassez, this case has been a fake and the whole police operation was fake, because she had already been arrested on the day when they broadcasted on TV. The woman tried to get some help from French president Nicolas Sarkozy who asked his colleague Felipe Calderon to replace the French citizen in her maternal country, so she could be close to her parents. But, no, this is Mexico and it has different roles. I suppose she should have think about her parents before doing such craps. Now she can cry as much as she want. Florence Cassez belonged to a kidnapping group named "Los Zodiacos". Her boyfriend who is a leader of the group was also arrested but he said that she had nothing to do with the case.

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