Thursday, September 16, 2010

Will there be ever peace?
by Barbora Misakova

How long will these peace talks last? It took years till Israel and Palestine agreed with formation of two separate states. As George Mitchell, the Obama administration’s envoy for Middle East peace, said on Tuesday their common goal is to create two states for two nations. But as it seems it will not be as easy. After two days of inconclusive Mideast peace negotiations, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he sees no alternative to continuing the talks in search of a peace deal with Israel. During a welcoming ceremony for his visit of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton he said: “We all know there is no alternative to peace through negotiations, so w! e have no alternative other than to continue these efforts.” While Clinton reiterates all over again her determination to find compromise solution, Egypt’s leader Hosni Mubarak urges Israel to curb West Bank settlement construction for three more months to give peacemaking a chance. Mubarak allegedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the delay could give the both sides time to draft their future borders and reasoned that after those lines are agreed, both sides can build within its future borders. Although this way of thinking is logical, Netanyahu’s office said that Israel doesn’t plan to extend the building restrictions currently in place, which are due to expire in late September. As Associated Press informed, the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations which started Tuesday in Egypt and concluded Wednesday in Jerusalem produced no apparent breakthrough. As both sides expressed, they would continue striving toward their goal of a final! settlement within one year.

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by Barbora Misakova
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