Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Obamas – the next stop – Indonesia.
by Milota Sidorova

After three days in India American President Barack Obama along with first lady Michelle Obama leave for Indonesia. They will spend less than 24 hours in a nation of 250 million with prevailing Muslim religion. During the stop he will meet with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and give a joint press conference. The atmosphere and the program is pretty much the same as in India. Obamas are paying a visit to the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, the burial site of veterans of the Indonesian National Revolution, having official dinner at the presidential palace and move towards China, South Korea and Japan. Obama however, has more personal ties with Indonesia, he spent h! ere 4 years as his divorced mother remarried Indonesian. During the stay between age of 6 and 10, he went to local school and was attending Muslim mosques, however he remained Christian later on. If speaking about religious influences, Indonesia may be a perfect example how relgions live side by side without major conflicts, although Muslim is the major religion here, its strict rules are moderated by numerous ethnical influences – therefore the image of Indonesia is not as polarized and bleak as Western media tend to depict. However, Obama will give some speeches on freedom and democracy and will probably label Indonesia an ally in fighting terrorism. This point is again pretty much the same with Indian stay. Country dispersed on large archipelago is seen as a counter power against emergin China that has become second biggest economy in 2Q. Indonesia shares this position with India that has more than one billion of inhabitants. Obamas will leave Jakarta early Wednes! day morning, heading towards G20 meeting in Seoul.

re! lated st ory (sgx18555): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/obama_asia;_ylt=AoG1johds.TSRtGA0...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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