Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Berlusconi survived as three opposition members changed the side.
by Milota Sidorova

What's happening in Rome is not a game. Those thousands of people marching in the streets protesting against current government of Premier Silvio Berlusconi are not having a great time doing that – they are out because there is no other choice left. Crowds that blocked the Airport in Naples and a stock market in Milan were hoping that this would be the time Berlusconi would fall. The image of corrupted billionnaire and a „weak leader throwing parties all the time“ as presented in WikiLeaks along with the deep crisis that broke out in June would be enough for his failure. But Berlusconi survived both votes. He remained Premier as he got 314-311 votes in lo! wer house. He would have failed if Catia Polidori and two other rebels from opposition didn't change their votes at the very last minute. Three votes ensured Berlusconi to keep on, but it became visible that he didn't have that easy majority in the house and the powers to govern. The atmosphere inside the parliament was tight and after three opposition rebels changed their votes, disturbances took over the room. Lawmakers had to be seduced by ushers and the program could be carried on. Polidori however didn't realize masses outside the building waiting for her house to possibly change the march of the country. She failed, such as Gianfranco Fini, the opposition leader who hoped Berlusconi wouldn't make it that day. Fini got a support, but didn't meet the goal – Berlusconi held the post, but this was not a famous victory, rather a Pyrrhic victory, The results only accelerated violence outside the parliament. Protester set fires in the cars, broke shopping windows and m! et in riots with the police. There were around 90 injured peop! le in th ese clashes and more than 40 arrested. The real thing has just begun.

related story (sgx18766):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Odroni vo Kolumbija
by Milota Sidorova

Fakt e deka 2010 godina e polna so najekstremnite klimatski katastrofi megju koi bea erupcii, poplavi, cunami, sušai zemjotresi niz cel svet. Ušte edna burna katastrofa ja pogodi Kolumbija otkako porojni doždovi napravija lavina od kal i zemja vo nedelata. Odronite na zemjata se pojavija vo severozapadniot del na državata i dojdoa kako rezultat na intenziviraniot vremenski fenomen El Ninjo. El Ninjo e tipičen poradi preraspredelba na doždovni oblaci. Mestata što nekogaš imale doždovi se isušuvaat i oblacite se dvižat na mesta so suva i topla klima, ponekogaš duri i vo pustini. Posledicite se serizoni – do! 82;dovi i poplavi vekje ubija okolu 170 lugje godinava. Brojot na pogodeni stigma do 1.5 milioni, no doždovite možat da napravat povekje od 2 milioni bezdomnici spored kolumbiskiot pretsedatel Huan Manuel Santos. Dolgiot mandate i intenzivnite doždovi iskombinirani so prethodno vlažnata zemja, rezultiraa so masivni posipi od kal koi napadnaa nekolku sela. Povekje od 50 doma bea vo direktno dviženje vo opštinata Belo vo provincijata Antiokvia. Zasega se veruva deka pomegju 50 i 60 lugje se zatrupani, barem spored lice odgovornoto lice za nezgodata Dzon Fredi Rendon od bliskiot grad Medlin. Zasega brojot na pogodeni lugje se dviži okolu 150, no kvoite kje rastat. Spored Kolumbiskiot Crven Krst, brojot na lugje što isčeznale e nepoznat, no edno telo bilo otkrieno. Doždovite kreiraa nevidena tragedija vo kolumbiskata istorija i osven lugje, tie gi pokosija i oblastite za proizvodstvo na kafe i jaglen.

related story (sgx18757):;_ylt=AuY_Ot...
by Milota Sidorova
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Muslimanski eksplozii protiv švedskite trupi vo Afganistan
by Zivka Deleva

Koga kje pomislite na najmirnite golemi gradovi vo svetot, togaš sigurna sum deka vo edno od tie mesta bi go stavile i švedskiot glaven grad Stokholm. No, ne beše baš takva vo ovie nekolku dena koga maž što poteknuva od Sredniot Istok sakal da vnese malku „vozbuda“ vo mirniot život i se duvnal vo vozduh. Imal ekspolizv na remento i negovata prvična ideja bila da povredi lugje ili na železnička stanica ili vo stokovna kukja. Sega e vreme pred Božikj i sekoj se brza da kupi podaroci za svoite najbliski. No, ovoj 29-godišen piroman zfrešil nešto pred da uspee da ja ostvari celta na svojata misija! . Nešto se pogrešilo i ne stignal do celta. Uredot za eksplozivot se aktiviral prerano. No, sepak ubil dvajca lugje. Dobro, možebi ako ja pogledneme drugata strana na prikaznata i što bi se slučilo ako sé napravil spored planot? Ne ni sakam da pomislam na toa. Ili kako što glavniot obvinitel na državata Tomas Lindtrand veli „ako seto toa eksplodiraše vo isto vreme bi predizvikalo mnogu seriozna šteta“. Identitetot na čovekot e poznat iako sé ušte e enigmatično od koja država točno doagja, no jasno e deka e žitel na Švedska od 1998 godina. Toj duri i diplimiral sportska terapija na Univerzitetot vo Bedfordšir, Anglija. Motivite sé ušte ne e se tolku jasni, no može da ima nekoja indikacija. Novinskata agencija TT vednaš posle eksploziite dobila pismo kako kritika za švedskite trupi vo Avganistan.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Muslim blasts counter Swedish troops in Afghanistan
by Zivka Deleva

When you think of one of the most peaceful cities in the world, than I am sure that in one of those places you would as well put the Swedish capital Stockholm. But, it wasn’t like that these few days when a Middle East-born man wanted to include some “excitement” in the peaceful life and blew himself in an explosion that he had provoked. He had explosives on the belt and his first idea was to hurt people either on a train station or in a department store. It is a before Christmas time and everybody is so in a hurry to get presents for the closest people. But, this 29-year old pyromaniac had done something wrong before succeeding to fulfill its mission. Som! ething went wrong and he didn’t get to the goal. The explosive device had gone off prematurely. But, still, he killed two people. Well, maybe if we take the other side of the story and what would it happen if he had done everything right? I don’t even want to think of that. Or as the Chief prosecutor of the country Tomas Lindstrand says “if it had all exploded at the same time it could have caused very serious damage”. The man’s identity is known, though it is still an enigma which country exactly he comes from, but it is clear that he had become a citizen of Sweden since 1998. He even was a graduated in sports therapy in the University of Bedfordshire, England. The motives are still not so clean, but there could be one indication. The news agency TT right after the blasts had received a letter as a critics for the Swedish troops in Afghanistan.
by Z! ivka Del eva
for Cantell TV (

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

26 coal miners killed in China
by Zivka Deleva

When one mentions miners believe it or not, but the first thought coming in my mind is some accident. Is it that there is not a lot that’s done for the safety of these brave people to be improve, or they are simply coursed to have such a bad luck. After the last accident in Chile when 33 miners when trapped for few months in a crashed mine everyone would say that it was the time for some good stuff to be done and heard. But, few days ago, the China news woke us up with new black information about 26 miners killed in a coal mine in central Henan province. Everyone would say that we are talking about a country that has a pretty long history with such black days. In the! whole mess it is good that almost half of the miners, some 20, where saved from the cruel hands of the death. China is a developing country that makes nervous all big economical powers in the last few years. But, it seems that besides good business and cheap working power, it doesn’t have a lot to offer to its citizens. In the history of all the mines countries, China takes the first place having the deadliest mines of all. Mines don’t offer safety standards. Who can believe the about 2600 people have died only last year? What happened this time? An explosion happened and then the suspicion rises easily. Though officials had announced that there were total 33 miners, it turned out that the complete number was 46! Most of the accidents that usually happen are due to the build-up of coal gas or methane ignited by sparks or open flames. Besides the rigorous regulations about coal mining, many producers just don’t give a damn about that.
! by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

U.N. troops in Haiti might be the origin of the cholera
by Zivka Deleva

French epidemiologist Renaud Piarroux has shaken the Organization of the United Nations few days ago claiming that the U.N. soldiers base that is situated outside the town of Mirebalais is the direct culprit of the death of 2.000 Haiti people, due to the cholera. You need to be a very brave man to say something like that and though it is still not yet proven that the Nepalese soldiers that came actually to help the after earthquake devastated country, are the ones that made even bigger disaster to the hosts. Scientist Piarroux has come to the conclusion that the cholera originated in a tributary of Artibonite river, which is next to the U.N. base. The outbreak of the diseas! e that we learnt in schools like it is from some other time, like 18th and 19th century, it seems like it has hidden somewhere around. Piarroux was sent by the French government to help the Haitian health officials that had no idea where does the cholera come from. The whole thing is pretty suspicious. I mean, the earthquake that ruined the country half a year ago didn’t induce cholera and now when it seems like life is finally coming back to the impoverished country, new disaster with that menace has knocked on the door. It is weird that the area where the disease came is far from the camps. The Piarroux report is still not confirmed by U.N., some media got it anonymously and with confidence. According to U.N, “there is still no conclusive evidence that its base was the source of the outbreak,” but that they are waiting for the evidences. It is weird as well that none of the soldiers were infected. I suppose time will prove who was in charge.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (
Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Kolerata go zaposedna Haiti
by Milota Sidorova

Zemjotresot što go pogodi Haiti vo januari, ne beše najlošoto što možeše da se sluči. Vsušnost toa beše samo širokootvorena porta na brojni posledici i politička i opštestvena destabilizacija na državata. Sega, povekje od milion lugje koi gi izgubija svoite domovi poradi zemjotresot, se nadvor od fokusot na golemite svetski mediumi i preživeaja uraganska sezona. Sé vo tišina, sé od gorčinata na približuvanjeto na smrtta vo liceto na kolerata i zgolemeniot kriminalitet. Kolerata ja zafati državata na koja očajno í trebaat lekari, volunterski medicinski personal i zal! ihi, Zasega smrtniot bilans izbroja 1,900 lugje, no se očekuva deka kje ima ušte povekje. Spored haitskoto ministerstvo za zdravstvo od posledniot oktomvri, imalo povekje od 80,000 slučai na kolera, no Panamerikanskata zdravstvena organizacija predvidi deka brojkata kje stigne 650,000 lugje vo narednata polovina godina. No, toa može i da ne bide konečnata brojka - za generalniot sekretar na OON, Ban Ki-mun, kvotite možat i da se zgolemat, poradi toa što nedostiga kakva bilo baza na podatoci. Selata se najlošo pogodeni - edvaj ima javen transport i lugjeto mora da pešačat nekolku časa za da stignat do najbliskata bolnica ili medicinska stanica. No, toa ne e spasot, so ogled na toa deka i klinikite se preplaveni so lugje - ponekogaš nudejkji samo dvajca ili trojca lekara na iljada pacienti. Mnogu lugje se tolku mnogu iznemošteni što ne rizikuvaat dolga prošetka i umiraat. Duri kolerata i da nema ! visoka smrtnost koja se dviži negde okolu 1.5 procenti, s! ituacija ta može da se vloši ako ne se obezbedi itna medicinska pomoš. Kolku e virtuelno što granicata pomegju životot i smrtta se dve infuzii ili šišenca od tečnosti so hrana. Tolku mala što ako zamislete dve kapačinja tečnosti a potoa i ogromniot broj na zasolništa što toa go baraat. Tolku malo, tolku dalečno i ako nekoj ne stigne do toa, nema da postoi idnina, osven bolna tivka smrt.

related story (sgx18743):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell! TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Terénne zosuvy v Kolumbii
by Milota Sidorova

Extrémne výkyvy počasia a klimatické katastrofy akoby v tomto roku nabrali obrátky - bezprecendentné množstvo erupcií, tsunami, zemetrasení, povodní a návalov tepla a sucha obchádzajú planétu a udierajú na oblasti, kde sa doteraz nevyskytovali. Haiti, Čína, Čile, stredná Európa, USA, Indonézia, Bermudy, Kanada, Moskva tie tvoria len málo miest, kde počasie spôsobilo vážne škody. Posledné správy prichádzajú z Kolumbie, kde počas víkendu došlo k masívnym zosuvom pôdy. Vytrvalé dažde, ktor! é sa pripisujú silnejúcemu fenoménu El Nino spôsobili to, že v severozápadnom regióne sa zosunuli celé svahy vodou nasiaknutej pôdy. El Nino je charakteristický zmenou zrážkového režimu na relatívne veľkých územiach – miesta, ktoré mali zrážky ostávajú suché a zrážkové oblaky sa naopak presúvajú na miesta, kde nikdy neboli. El Nino alebo syndróm rozkvitnutej púšte. El Nino alebo záplavy a početné ľudské obete. Dôsledky sú pre Kolumbiu vážne – len za tento rok sa počet obetí vyšplhal na 170. Počasie negatívne ovplyvnilo viac ako 1,5 milióna obyvateľov, pričom podľa prezidenta Juana Manuela Santosa by číslo do konca roka mohlo presiahnúť 2 milióny. Vytrvalé dažde spustili lav! 7;nu bahna a pôdy, pričom v priamom smere zasiahli v! iac ako 50 domov v oblasti Bello, v antiochijskej provincii. Oficiálne štatistiky hovoria 50 až 60 zavalených ľudoch, avšak doteraz sa podarilo vyprostiť len jedno telo. Podľa kolumbíjskeho Červeného kríža víkendové zosuvy ovplyvnili okolo 150 ľudí, je však jasné, že toto číslo nie je konečné. Dažde a zosuvy podľa prezidenta Santosa spôsobili bezprecedentnú národnú tragédiu. Okrem ľudských obetí, počasie tvrdo zasiahlo kávové plantáže a oblasti s ťažbou uhlia.

related story (sgx18721):;_ylt=AuY_Ot...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Consciously heading towards conflict
by Milota Sidorova

Although Beijing sought for peace between two Koreas after military incident on Yeonpyeong Island last week, the situation seems to be quite opposite. Conflict is moving along via harrasment, continuing military drills, background diplomatic ties and the presence of the U.S. naval forces in South Korea. Instead of pushing back and seeking solutions it is now South Korea that is going further with its military exercises that provoke Pyongyang for another intervention. Although it's all been covered under a revenge for the attack from last week when the target was a military base but also homes of civilians as well virtually for the first time since the Korean war in 1950s. S! outh Korea seems to be on the move and ride, backed up by Washinghton military support. The situation has been sharpened by secret emails between Seoul and Washinghton that went online via Wikileaks last week. According to these documents South Korea and the U.S. have been talking about „unified Korea“ under the reign of Seoul for a longer time. One can be sure that all these movements along with diplomatic talks about Northern Korea without Northern Korea are fiasko as well. South Korea carried on its military drills not even regarding current diplomatic meeting of South Korea, Japan and U.S. in Washinghton and the statement of its Northern neighbor that these kind of movements would aggravate already high tensions. This time drills took place far from disputed border, but it seems they were not the last. Some observers have been talking about the war – according to these statements North Korea couldn't afford a full scale war even with nuclear weapons, ! since South Korean went to the conflict hand in hand with the ! U.S. And for the U.S. this is another „casual“ war. In fact U.S. is the most aggresive country in the world – in more-less 200 years of its history they participated or created more than 10 major war conflicts and that is the record that no country in the world can break.

related story (sgx18714):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to! easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Landslides in Colombia.
by Milota Sidorova

It's been a fact that 2010 is full of the most extreme climate catastrophes including volcano erruptions, floods, tsunami, drought and earthquakes taking all over the world. Another stormy catastrophe hit Colombia after heavy rains set an avalanche of mud and ground on Sunday. Landslides hit northwest part of the country and came as a result of intensifying weather phenomenon of El Nino. El Nino is typical by redistribution of rain clouds. The places that once used to have rains are getting dry and the rainclouds are moving on places with dry and warm climate, sometimes even on deserts. Consequences are grave, rains and floods have already killed arond 170 people this year.! The number of affected summed about 1.5 million, but rains can leave more than 2 million homeless according to Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos. Long term and intensive rains combined with already wet ground resulted in massive mud streams flowind down targeting several villages. More than 50 homes were in the direct move in Bello municipality in Antioquia province. For now it is believed that between 50 and 60 people trapped, at least according to disaster official John Freddy Rendon from the near city of Medelin. So far the number of affected people move around 150 people, but the quotes will rise. According to the Colombian Red Cross the number of missing people is unknown, but one body has been recovered. Rains have created an unprecedented tragedy in Colombian history and except of people it hammered cofee and coals production areas.

related story (sgx18711):;_ylt=AuY_Ot...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Cholera riding in Haiti
by Milota Sidorova

An earthquake that hit Haiti in January wasn't the worst that could happen. In fact it was just an wide-open gate to numerous set backs and a political and social destabilization of the country. Now, more than one million of people who lost their homes due the earthquake went out of focus of major world media and survived a hurricane season. All in silence, all with the bitterness of a nearing death taking face of cholera and increasing criminality. Cholera has now taken over the country that is desperately lacking doctors, medical staff volunteers and supplies. So far the death toll counted about 1,900 people but more are about to be counted. According to Haitian Health Mi! nistry there was more than 80,000 cholera cases since late October but the Pan-American Health Organization projected about 650,000 people in next half a year. But it may not be the final number – for U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon the quotes may double because the countryside is lacking any kind of statistic data. And it is the countryside that is affected the most – there is hardly a public transport and people have to walk several hours to reach the closest hospital or a medical station. But this is not the salvation, since clinics are overloaded with people – sometimes offering only two or three doctors on about a thousand of patients. Many people are so exhausted that they are not risking the long walk and they die. Even if cholera doesn't have a high mortality rate moving somewhere 1.5 percent, the situation can worsen if an urgent medical aid is not provided. So virtually one can say that the border between life and death are two infusions or gl! asses of nutrition liquids. So small if you imagine two small ! cups of liquids and then this enormous amount of human shelters seeking for it. So small, so distant and if one doesn't reach it there is no future except of painful, silent death.

related story (sgx18718):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface! coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tehran drowned in smog
by Zivka Deleva

They say everything that is forced can be dangerous. For two days, innocent people are hardly breathing in the Iran's capital Tehran because the pollution levels have gone too far. This wouldn't be too serious if we avoid the fact that it happens for the second time in one month. The government brought a decision to declare two-day public holiday for schools, offices, industrial capacities. As numbers say, about 130 million dollars costs each holiday for the city. Tehran is one of the most polluted cities in the world, which costs huge health problems for its citizens. One of the basic factors for the pollution is the quickly growing city which today has more than 12 millio! n people. Its been some time already and the World Health Organization alarms the government that some effort must be taken for the reducing of the problem. There are a lot of vehicles in the metropolis. The numbers are menacing- about 1.4 million vehicles in the city releases about 5 million tones of carbon dioxide in the air. Tehran joins the top three group consisted of Los Angeles and Mexico City, which also struggle with the bad air. Little wind can enter the city, due to the three sited mountain covering. Also, the high temperatures make easier the transformation of pollutants into ozone.   One of the government's mission how to handle the bitter problem is to introduce the natural gas a basic for the heating system. They also try to improve the public transportation so people would use less cars. The green is the needed philosophy in this Asian country.    
by Ziv! ka Delev a
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Teheran udaven vo smog
by Zivka Deleva

Velat deka sé što e isforsirano može da bide opasno. Vo poslednite dva dena, nevini lugje teško dišat vo iranskiot glaven grad Teheran zašto nivoto na zagaduvanje otide predaleku. Ova ne bi bilo tolku seriozno ako go izbegneme faktot deka se slučuva vtor pat vo eden mesec. Vladata odluči da proglasi dvodvneven odmor za učilištata, kancelariite, industriskite kapaciteti. Kako što kažuvaat brojkite, okolu 130 milioni dolari čini sekoj odmor za golemiot grad. Teheran ie eden od najzagadenite gradovi vo svetot, što predizvikuva stašni zdravstveni problemi za svoite gragjani. Eden od osnovnite faktori za ! zagaduvanjeto e brzorastečkiot grad koj denes broi povekje od 12 milioni lugje. Vekje nekoe vreme Svetskata zdravstvena organizacija ja alarmira vladata deka nekoi napori mora da se prezemat za namaluvanje na problemot. Postojat mnogu vozila vo metropolata. Brojkite se začuduvački - okolu 1.4 milioni vozila vo gradot ispuštaat okolu 5 milioni toni na jaglerod dioksid vo vozduhot. Teheran se pridružuva na grupata od tri grada što ja sočinuvaat Los Andzeles i Meksiko Siti, koi isto taka se borat so lošiot vozduh. Malku veter može da navleze vo gradot, poradi toa što gradot e obikolen so planini od tri strani. Isto taka, visokite temperaturi ja olesnuvaat transformacijata na zagaduvačite vo ozon. Edna od vladinite misii vo spravuvanjeto so problemot e da go vovede prirodniot gas kako osnoven za sistemot za greenje. Tie isto taka se obiduvaat da go podobrat javniot transport za lugjeto da koristat pomalku koli. Zelenata e! potrebna filozofija vo ovaa aziska država.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.