South Koreans kidnapped in Afghanistan were released this week
by Corina Ciubotaru
Afghanistan is a country where armed forces trying to establish a climate of peace and cooperation only succeeded in drawing more attention to what happens in the country. Recently, it became the world's largest producer of opium with 98% of the world's supply being planted here. In that same region of Helmand, the Taliban have their way and it's from there that they lead their operations. Six weeks ago, they kidnapped 12 South Koreans who were in Afghanistan to do good for the people by working in hospitals. After killing two men, the others got freed on Wednesday, much to the joy of their families, the Afghan government and South Korea. The Red Cross, which the volunteers were working for, aided in the negotiations and even though no money was offered to the Taliban, the South Korean government's promise to keep Christian missionaries away from the country as well as remove the 200 troops stationed there might just have done the trick. South Korea sent troops to Afghanistan to aid the U.S.-led force and this is why the Taliban claim to have kidnapped the missionaries. Now, fears arise that the Taliban will use this method to get what they want. In the past two years, countless civilians have been kidnapped in Afghanistan by this ethnic group and some of them have even been killed. Some people are still being held hostage, including a German engineer and 4 Afghan colleagues; they were taken prisoners one day before the South Koreans and their families are still waiting for them to come home safely.
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by Corina Ciubotaru for PocketNews ( |
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