Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Taliban’s cowardice exposed
by Claudia Sonea

At a joint news conference with President Bush, Afghan President Hamid Karzai spoke about the Taliban like force struggling on the death bed. It is no longer a threat to his government or to its institutions and before extinction it tries to take some more human lives, killing with cowardice innocent people. According to President Bush Afghanistan's 110,000 troops are being aided by 23,500 U.S. troops and 26,000 troops from other nations. Both presidents vowed to work together and with others to thwart terrorism of all kinds. Not long ago, Afghan President criticized the U.S. attacks that have killed innocent civilians and now he praises a U.S. health program that saved the lives of 85,000 Afghan children. On the other hand, he also said Iran proved to be a stabilizing force in Afghanistan, while Bush disagreed with him, saying that the decision to make nuclear weapons it's just another way of defying the international community. Karzai did not seem to share the US President's views and switched to the subject regarding the trade in poppies from his country, stating that despite the amount of time required to stop it, they will do it. Bush is working with the governments of South Korea and Afghanistan to find solutions for the release of the 21 South Korean hostages kidnapped by Taliban. White House National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe maintained the initial position saying that they won't make any concessions with the terrorists. The situation is still tensed. Moreover, the unsolved question of who is supporting the Taliban is on the list of Afghan President that will be debated at the jirga (Afghanistan's traditional assembly) with Pakistan leaders at Kabul, Afghanistan. God be with he hostages and hope they soon will be released. Until further news, stay connected!

related story: http://edition.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/06/bush.karzai/index.html
by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

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