Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A security company made two other victims in Baghdad
by Corina Ciubotaru

It's very sad what's happening in Iraq right now. More and more security companies are being accused of killing civilians and the people justifiably feel betrayed by the people that were supposed to help them move on to better lives. This is a country where democracy and human rights are somewhat foreign concepts to locals and tragedies like the Blackwater shooting can only undermine their belief in the benefits of the West. This Tuesday, other innocent lives were forever messed up after an Australian-owned security company called Unity Resources Group killed two women in a car that ignored requests to stop. The white Oldsmobile they were in was used by 48-year old Marou Awanis as an unofficial taxi to raise money for her three daughters; when she failed to stop before a crossroads in Baghdad, she and her passenger Geneva Jalal were shot to death. The shooting is now under investigation as the company's story is not the one told by eye witness Riyadh Majid, an Iraqi policeman. He says the four-vehicle convoy of the security company approached the crossroads and immediately started shooting as the women's car entered it, while official statements from Unity claim the security forces used hand signals and a flare to determine the Awanis to stop her Oldsmobile and only began shooting because the vehicle continued its journey. The two women's bodies were buried Wednesday in an Armenian Christian church in Bagdad, while authorities are trying to determine who's to blame for the tragic deaths.

related story:;_ylt=AkgZWkmnYZa5f.kHYVGq.jys0NUE
by Corina Ciubotaru
for PocketNews (

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