Alternative energy sources
by Ludmila Martinicka
Global warming and fluent decreasing of power resources like fuel, oil, coal make us thinking about alternative sources of energy. To drive our cars without producing gas emissions causing greenhouse effect, to light the bulb without wringing of conscience... Scientists brings new technologies and alternatives quite fast and develop them every day. At school we are thought to think ecologically. We sort the garbage, buy bottles made of glass instead of plastic, use paper efficiently...but is it enough? Governments are discussing the nuclear energy and plan to build new power plants. Is this saving our planet or put us in even bigger danger? Are they needed? Did everybody already hear about solar panels, gaining the energy from the sea waves, river plants, windmills,...? I guess yes. But does everybody know, what the expression "alternative energy sources" means? There are several official explanations using different words, but they ave one thing in common. They say, that alternative energy doesn't harm the environment. Also they say, that it is way that do not use natural resources like fossil fuel, renewable, and some says it is nontraditional. To alternative source of energy belongs solar panels, achieving the energy from the sunshine, water plants on rivers and in the sea, gaining the energy of waves, or tidal energy, wind energy. Such a newcomer in the row is biomass. It is good and efficient to talk about use of alternative sources, but we should not forget, that building for example windmills or water plants influences the nature and the environment as well. The right thing to discuss is, how to find the right relation between nuclear energy and alternative sources, how to implement them and how to get use to them.
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by Ludmila Martinicka for PocketNews ( |
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