Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Global warning: global warming
by Ludmila Martinicka

Global warning is a fact. We can hear it from the radio, watch it on the TV, read about it on the Internet and newspapers, see it on the billboards on the streets... The situation seems to be really alarming as scientists say. Global warming attempt the life of all the creatures. It works as the domino effect. Weather is becoming too warm for plants as well as for animals. When "vegetarian animals" have nothing to eat, sooner or later there will be lack of food also for the others. Mankind produces too much greenhouse gas emissions and spoil the environment. For this reason ecological activists and "green" teams and organizations encourage people to live more ecologically and save our planet. World countries are joining in the New deal of environment. On the topic of environment were talking also presidential rivals from the year 2000, George Bush and al Gore during their meeting in White House. Gore stated it was a private talking about global warming. They met due to occasion of Gore's Nobel Peace Prize winning. He belongs to fighters for the ecology and anti-global warming activities. To focus the international attention on the problem of global warming, he shared the $1.5 million (724,000 pound) Nobel prize with U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change. His short documentary movie "An Inconvenient Truth" showing the climate changes won an Oscar award earlier this year. Some democrats expect Gore to enter the next presidential elections, which will be in November 2008. Gore refused again.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071127/ap_on_sc/zebrafish_research;_ylt=AgXhhpqZxa5IV9PrB0BzYrys0NUE
by Ludmila Martinicka
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

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