Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cyclone Sidr caused even more rough times in Padma
by Zuzana Blazeckova

Padma,as a part of the coast of Bay of Bengal in Barquna district, has become one of the hardest hit areas of the catastrophe around whole Bangladesh. Sidr, last week cyclone, has left more than 3, 150 dead across whole country and about 4, 000 villagers tousled across rice fields and coastline. However, this is not enough. Just Padma counted 61 dead and 14 inhabitants are still missing. But caused damages are out-and-out more extensive than just a numbers. Bangladesh, as a poor country has many troubles even without nature disasters. Natives do have not just problems with dwelling, they are also deficient of basic needs like clean drinking water or food supply. Padma and people living there will probably need long-term help. An international aid group has already brought rice, high-energy cookies, etc. New clinics have been set up across, and doctors have provided help to many stricken inhabitants too. Another big question people in Padma struggle with, is fishing industry. This is really important part of the life of natives, in fact, nearly every family in Padma has at least one fishermen. But now, the fishing is more than difficult, because their boats are almost utterly destroyed. In case they won't be repaired soon, their situation will get even worse. Many of fishermen will need also financial support to repair their old boats and start over again. The Sidr cyclone was not the first catastrophe which attacke this low-lying country. For instance the year 1991 brought more than 140, 000 died in one cyclone.

related story:;_ylt=ApfhWrfTAc.edAMkNZyvfGqs0NUE
by Zuzana Blazeckova
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