Russian ecological disaster
by Jana Kokavcova
On Tuesday there was a great killer wind in Russia that caused big disaster, because it sank at least 11 ships and split an oil tanker in two. About 560,000 gallons of oil were spilled in the water. 30,000 birds were killed. This disaster will cause long-lasting damage to marine life in near southern Russian seaport, but not only in this part of Black sea. "We could lose the Black Sea if we go on this way": said Sergei Golubchikov, Russian environmentalist. This disaster is not only bad to the marine life, but for all life near Black sea, because it will be very hard for birds and other animals to find another food, because they used to fish. This situation will be hard for people too. But we can find answer why this disaster happened. It is maybe because of outdated and inadequate equipment that are oil transport ships allowed to use. The most important task now for all people is to build a dam to prevent the slick from floating into the Sea of Azov. Oleg Mitvol, deputy head of the Russian state environmental safety watchdog Rosprirodnazor, said : "We have a real chance to save the ecosystem of the Sea of Azov." The damage to the seafloor ecosystem is hard to measure, because we really don't know the number of dead animals. But there is need to do something to help. Environmentalists in Russia call for new law that will regulate sea pollution. But it is all about politics and policy. I think they should work on the law soon, because another disaster can be worse than this one and cause a lot of problems in our lives.
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by Jana Kokavcova for PocketNews ( |
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