When your home is a prison
by Natalia Holvova
Pakistan is one of the Arabic states fighting for its own freedom and democracy. People are trying to organize demonstrations and get their voice to be heard. It's not easy when you can't go wherever you like to and whenever you wish to. Demonstrations and strikes are violently holding back by actual government which doesn't seem to be legally elected is trying to continuously install tyranny and dominance of the dictator. In the situation when even walking down the street can be the most dangerous part of your day, Benazir Bhutto, former prime minister of the country is coming back after eight years long asylum to fight for freedom for her people. A woman who is informal leader in the efforts to bring the democracy into her home country against regent government has thousands of followers who are taking an action in the streets of Islamabad. Anyhow people are getting arrested in a mass and they are not allowed to organize any demonstration as the emergency state was declared by the government and Bhutto's house became her personal domestic prison. There are barricades around the house and she is trying to get out and carry on activities leading to stall democracy. Hardly to believe this is happening in the 21st century. When your home is a prison just because there is some power inside of you that can't let you unconcerned and you try to fight for what you believe is right even you could stay in the save place watching the news about the situation somewhere far far away in the country where you don't live anymore.
related story: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20071109/tuk-uk-dutch-britain-flood-fa6b408_9.html
by Natalia Holvova for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv) |
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