Monday, December 3, 2007

Most interesting part of the world.
by Zuzana Valkova

I would like to tell you something about Africa. This continent is so huge and so interesting, that you can speak about it for many hours without a break. But I will tell you about few things I find interesting. First of all, did you know that you are actually African? How is it possible? It is easy, because it is proved, that human origins are from this continent. I know it was long, long time ago, but still, origin is origin. Africa is the second largest continent on this planet, it covers 22% of the planets land area, but nobody has ever counted how many people live there. I am not wondering, it would take whole life to count so many people. But someone counted, or I guess estimated, that in Africa are used about 1000 languages. There is also thousands of different kind of animals and plants. Most of them, you can find only there. This is continent of teenagers, because half of the population of Africa is under age of 15. But they are not as we were; they have to live in very dangerous conditions. That's because almost all the countries belongs to the poorest in the world. And about 35 millions people are infected with HIV. But on the other side Africa is very rich continent. Because of the natural resources. The biggest diamond ever found, was found right here. So do you find Africa interesting? Many people these days are trying to help Africa through special foundations. Now, when you know that Africa is so interesting, you can help too.

related story:;_ylt=AtiB_6StGo.1IekWc6ZcbB6s0NUE
by Zuzana Valkova
for PocketNews (

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