Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fragile stability in East Timor again violated

by Tatiana Hadarova

There has been a state of emergency in East Timor since last Monday after rebel soldiers seriously wounded president Jose Ramos-Horta and fired at the prime minister convoy. The Nobel Prize-winning president was immediately airlifted to Australia, where he has been operated. According to doctors his conditions are still serious, but stable. Prime minister Xanana Gusmao was attacked an hour later, but managed to escape without any hurt. The army chief blamed United Nations, how it was possible that they failed to protect the two top leaders. But the U.N. deputy defended the organisation, that president wanted his own security, which was provided by national authorities. After this attacks, the acting President Vicente Gutterres declared the state of emergency and he hopes that it will bring the country "back to normality". Also number of U.N. soldiers and policemen and Australia's troop raised in the country. These attacks again violated calm and stability in East Timor after clashes in 2006, when 37 people were killed. In gunshot between president's security and rebels their leader Alfredo Reinado was killed. Reinado had been wanted since 2006,when he was blamed for the violence. During these two years Reinado became popular among East Timorese youth because of his insurrection against government. East Timor has been trying to maintain its stability since 2002, when they managed to gain country's independence from Indonesia. This small country of only 1 million people had been under Indonesia's occupation for 24 years . In 1996 Presidnet Horta thanks to his nonviolent resistance during these occupational years shared The Nobel Peace Prize.
by Tatiana Hadarova
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Posted by: Maria Vidlickova

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