Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Rule of Blood Calls for Revenge
by Milota Sidorova

Thousands of mourners grouped on Thursday to reverate slained Hezbollah commander, Imad Moughniyah. Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas carried the coffin follwed by the sound  of marching drums, along with the fists waving in the air. To the Lebbanese and Hezbollah anthem, the mobbish crowd added the screams such as: "Death to Israel!" and  "Death to America!" Following threats from the head of Hezbollah,  Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who appeared at the funeral  through the video tape invoked the emergency at Israeli embassies and Jewish centres all over the world. Nasrallah, who is hiding since 34 days lasting Israel-Hezbollah war blaimed Israel for the assasination of  Moughniyah, one of the most wanted men on the U.S. list. He underlined that the attack passed over the natural borders of Israel and Lebbanon.The Tuesday' s bomb attack in Damascus, that shortened Moughniyah life brought out the promise for revenge. Israel immediately ordered the high alert on its embassies all over the world and advised all the Jewish centres to do the same. FBI. Activated terror squads to protect the centres and embassies in the U.SMoughniyah' s death seems to carry on the series of retaliates among Israel and Hezbollah. One must mention the bomb attack on Israel embassy in Argentina after He death of Abbas Mussawi, Hezbollah's secretary-general who had been killed during the Israeli helicopter attack in Lebannon.Two years later a Jewish cultural centre in Buenos Aires is on fire. All the links points to the assasination of Mustafa Dirani, senior leader of Hezbollah and a the airstrikes on a Hezbollah training camp in Lebannon. While Hezbollah blesses Moughniyah as a blood martyr, U.S. records taxes for the death  of more than the  hundred of people. Hezbollah, which started with only a militia, has grown to an organization with seats in the Lebanese government, a radio- and a satellite television-station, and programs for social development is accepted  by most of Arab and Muslim countries as national as a legitimate resistance movement still figures as a terroristic organisation linked with Iranian' s Shitas for six European and American states.Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, quoted that Moughniyah wasn' t the first neither the last martyr, in this war there would be million of them."Zionists, if you want this kind of open war, let the whole world listen: Let this war be open," Hassan Nasrallah told to the funeral crowd. He said that Moughniyah' s death calls for elimination of Israel.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Edited by Iveta Nagyova

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