Thursday, February 28, 2008

The one with the oil rules
by Martina Harvanova

To be in power for almost ten years must have an impact on the person's character and it certainly isn't a right one. From the point of the ability to sustain democracy and keep the mind clear of the thoughts of unconditional actions and governance, it definitely spoils the character. Hugo Chavez could be quite efficient example for psychologists researching the influence of authority.Controversial politician whose governance have led to widespread reforms is used to be viewed in different ways. Once he gets praises and enthusiastic support for his actions in creating alternative models of economic development and for his belief in cooperation among the world's poor nations, but mostly, he receives vehement criticism. Actually, what else could be expected from someone who is against the most influential man & American President and who refuses to behave as a friend to the world's strongest nation? Recently, the spotlight points on him again. This time the issue is based on the negotiation and threats between both countries.The case began with the action of Exxon Mobil, an American corporation, that has gone after the assets of state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA in the U.S., British and Dutch. Venezuela started to feel endangered as the actions can harm and in fact, rob the country. The fears didn't remain just on this point, Chavez went further. If the Americans won't stop freezing Venezuelan assets, they might face the problems with oil sales. The major producer of oil products can fully free set the conditions to its biggest purchaser, the cut-off of oil shipments to the U. S. could cause much troubles to the North American citizens as well as to the market. The treasure of Venezuela is extremely worthy and it is so strong factor that any tiny action done by Chavez may mirror in global measure. Venezuela is a capricious country and also Chavez has gained a reputation as a price hawk in OPEC, pushing for stringent enforcement of production quotas and higher target oil prices. For instance, at a June 2006 meeting, Venezuela was the only OPEC country calling for lowered production to drive oil prices higher. By all means, that is how Chavez manages to belong to 100 most influential people according to the Time magazine & the resources of his home country. His power seems to be unlimited at least as long as the Latin country enjoys the sufficiency of oil.

related story:;_ylt=Atj6CXFD0KAR1MKxoiwGRwCs0NUE

by Martina Harvanova
for PocketNews (

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Edited by Katarina Rastocna

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