Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Will the Philharmonic concert improve relationships between U.S. And North Korea?
by Sandra Stoklaskova

After the years of misunderstandings and wars between United States and North Korea, now it is dawning for better times. Relationships among these states were interfere with diplomacy conflicts, battles and struggles. North Korea's nuclear weapons constituted a danger for the whole world, what was the main reason, why U.S. held enemy ties with this country. But on Tuesday something amazing happened. New York Philharmonic had a concert in Pyongyang, with a huge success. Some musicians left the stage in tears, after three encores and audience waving dearly. U.S. and North Korea found kind of partnership in this concert that spanned American and Korean musical traditions. When the Philharmonic played North Korean national anthem "Patriotic Song", audience stood respectfully. Drop-scene was terminated by the folk song "Arirang" and enthusiastic applause of standing audience. East Pyongyang Grand Theater attended 2.500 people and the concert was also broadcast live on North Korean TV. But North Korean leader Kim Jong II did not visit this amazing performance and we don't know whether he watched it on TV. Former U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry attended this event and called it a "historic moment," and added that Washington should as a reaction to this invite North Korean performers to the U.S. "I can say that through the concert tonight, all the members of the New York Philharmonic opened the hearts of the Korean people," said Song Sok Hwan, North Korea's vice culture minister. He added:"The concert serves as an important occasion to open a chapter of mutual understanding between the two countries."

related story:;_ylt=AgyXK.4UMteTNu82WaYh9kys0NUE
by Sandra Stoklaskova
for PocketNews (

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