Thursday, March 6, 2008

Golden roots.
by Barbie Kunkelova

Even though there is no tangible approval from the government's site yet, the Jews in Poland now have a great event to be looking forward to. A new glass skyscraper will appear in Warsaw, in the middle of what used to be the city's ghetto during the World War II. The Jewish leaders announced so for Associated Press yesterday, November 1. The skyscraper is supposed to be sail-shaped and will be using solar energy. The Jewry is becoming a normal part in Poles' lives once again. People are not afraid to root in their family trees anymore to see whether there are some Jewish roots. If positive, many are trying to reconnect to this culture which has been almost wiped off the world's surface during World War II thanks to Adolf Hitler and his Holocaust. Already in 2000 the Jewish population was generally estimated to have risen to around 12,000 (in Poland overall, majority of them live in Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw & according to Wikipedia), it used to be 3.5million before the second war. After the war Poland was "shared" by two leaders & Hitler and Stalin. Stalin thought Poles are his enemies and sent them to Siberia - Jews were "safe" for a moment and they obtained many high functions then. That's one of the reasons why Poles idly watched the Holocaust happenings; they couldn't wait to inherit the fortunes. The Jewish community in Poland is now summoning more and more people and, very important as well, money. The community's leader, Piotr Kaldcik, said that while building the skyscraper, the community will be trying to respect Warsaw's structure, trying not to destroy the panorama the Varsovians were used to plus Warsaw is a city of a huge value in terms of history. And since the popularity of the Jewish Community is growing and the demand for sessions and masses increases, it is crucial to supply more space. What a pretty, sophisticated solution.

related story:;_ylt=AtY09EFCzRyu22QrX0dLGP.s0NUE

by Barbie Kunkelova
for PocketNews (

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Edited by Iveta Nagyova

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