Is this Peter?
by Claudia Sonea
Some love stories never die. When the Nazis occupied the Netherlands and began deporting Jews to the death camps in 1942 everything looked like hell broke loose on Earth and for families like Anne Franck's all that was left was hope. From Anne's diary we find out that love has survived too. Everyone remembers the boy with the "beautiful brown eyes" who she recalled as her "one true love" and now thanks to Ernst Michaelis we can even see. No one has ever seen the photography of Peter, "the ideal boy", but his former childhood friend Ernst Michaelis who realized after rereading Anne's diary recently and contacted Amsterdam museum, according to a spokeswoman's statement on Tuesday. Anne Frank museum will display the photo of Peter Schiff giving shape to the unknown character In 1933 the Francks fled from Germany to Amsterdam and during World War Two they had to go into hiding from where Anne wrote her diary recording her years in the hideaway. They lived in a secret annex in a canal-side house for more than two years before their hiding place was betrayed and the family sent to concentration camps. The Dutch woman who helped the family found them after Anne's arrest and gave them to her father Otto a survivor of the Holocaust. Anne wrote of the 13-year-old she had fallen for in 1940 when she was just 11 and that in Auschwitz, while Anne died in Bergen Belsen concentration camp in 1945. Anne last saw Peter a few days before she moved into the annexe, but wrote of him in her diary more than 1-1/2 years later after dreaming of him. Love overcomes everything and that is what we can see in her diary and skeptic as I am, the photo doesn't convince as being indeed the one of Anne's Peter, but it is nice just the thought of being. What do you think?
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by Claudia Sonea for PocketNews ( |
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