Venezuela mobilizing troops?
by Sandra Stoklaskova
Washington has a new problem with one of the region's worst political show-downs in recent years, as Venezuela moved troops to Colombian border. This pose a threat of war.The problem appeared during Colombia's strike on a leftist rebel base in Ecuador. Ecuador asked for international condemnation of the attack, which killed a Colombia's main rebel group's top commander and 22 guerrillas. Ecuador also reinforced its borders with more troops.Colombia accuse Ecuador and Venezuelan of cooperation with FARC and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia wanted to try to acquire radioactive materials, which could be than used for dirty bombs. Both countries of course refused these indictments, and said that Colombia was lying.The Organization of American States held an emergency engagement to try to calm this situation. After this Colombia apologized for the attack, however Ecuador was not satisfied and wanted from OAS to begin with investigation.Colombian president Alvaro Uribe said, that he would not allow his nation to be drawn into war. "Colombia has never been a country to go to war with their neighbors. We are not mobilizing troops, nor advancing toward war," he added.On the other hand, Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan president, said Uribe that any strike on Venezuelan soil could provoke war, that is why they should be careful about next steps.Venezuela also closed its borders to imports and exports and would look to other countries to supply necessary imports. "We can not depend for anything at all on a country, that is in a war posture against its neighboring countries," said Agriculture Minister Elias Jaua.
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by Sandra Stoklaskova for PocketNews ( |
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