Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Talebans spread confusion around the prisoner release moment
by Ana Maria Ciobanu

After stating they are ready to free the 21 south-Korean hostages in exchange for some imprisoned Afghan sustainers, as if they were trading apples for peaches, the Talebans are now spreading confusion.The spokesmen for the kidnappers group had earlier stated that the hostage women will be released in exchange for the same number of women imprisoned by the Afghan authorities. These women were arrested because they were bringing food to the fundamentalists.Taleban spokesman Yusuf Ahmadi on Sunday said the two ill women hostages would be freed thanks to the progress made during two days of talks in the central city of Ghazni.However he also added: "The time hasn't been decided. It could be today."The Taleban kidnappers have already killed two hostages, both men and asked in several ways the release of the Taleban prisoners held in the detention centers. The Korean minister who is handling the hostages' situation at the moment announced that their health condition isn't in a good shape.The original group of 23 was captured on the main road from Kabul to Kandahar.The Afghan government, highly criticized after a previous prisoner exchange, has ruled out a swap to secure the release of the Koreans.
by Ana Maria Ciobanu
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Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

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