Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Democratic Iraq is still a dream
by Corina Ciubotaru

The war in Iraq seems to have more or less ended its most violent part and now the peace-keeping operations are underway. The country has a new President and even a Prime Minister and they are both doing their best to get the democratic regime going. That's not easy when rival factions are fighting each other and Shiites and Sunnis have hundreds of years of war between them. But is a democracy really a democracy if it has to be kept at gun point? There are currently 160,000 troops there and President Bush seems determined to keep his armies there indefinitely and plans to reduce their duties from 15 months to 12 starting in spring. American politicians complain about the lack of results from the new government in the country, but seem incapable to understand that Iraq can't be changed overnight, probably because not all of its inhabitants thought a change was necessary. How does it make them feel when they see a foreign army invading their country and patrolling their streets? They are constantly reminded of the war and a new political regime can't function right in a country at war. The war is on themselves, on their traditions and on change that they didn't expect. Not all Iraqis are terrorists; some of them are children and women who were happy before their home was bombed by an air raid. Why do they need democracy when they have Allah to guide them? And where's the democracy in not allowing people to live their lives as they see fit?

related story:;_ylt=At6wFYwjKYIO.ZB4FF75k0ms0NUE

by Corina Ciubotaru
for PocketNews (

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Edited by: Katarina Zerzanova

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