Monday, May 26, 2008

Who can help to Myanmar Silvia Szarkova

Hundreds of citizens without shelter, suffering from hunger and disease and terrible conditions- reports of United Nations still prove the unsatisfactory results of relief actions in Myanmar. More than three weeks after cyclone the iceberg is about to start melting- Myanmar does agree to open door to Asian friends seeking to help. Isn't it little bit late? Singapore hosted 10 foreign ministers from Association of Southeast Asian Nations, in charge with George Yeo- Singapore's Foreign Minister in aim to start the journey towards mainly medical and other help including an efficient deployment of relief personnel. Myanmar agreed to accept help from all ASEAN countries, already using the effective power of non ASEAN China and India. What is more, on Sunday there is going to be an ASEAN and UN International Pledging Conference in Yangon to discuss also the issue of international help and financial assistance and humanitarian aid of other counties. Ban Ki-moon, Un's Secretary General is arriving on Thursday to cooperate in conference and is supposed to visit the hit delta of Irrawaddy river. According to Douglas Alexander, British Secretary of State for International Development, UK appreciates the act of opening, but will continuously force Myanmar's government to accept direct help to areas affected by cyclone from UK and other bigger donors. Myanmar Foreign Minister Nyan Win claimed that the cyclone has taken more than two billion dollars, and losses are expected to soar up to ten billion. There are in fact some losses that will never come back- 78,000 Myanmar people lost their life in cyclone, 56,000 are still missing. Three-day period of official mourning started on Tuesday. Myanmar has had to face the global intense anger for rejecting the world's helping hand. Now it is saying it would particularly allow its Asian neighbors to enter their area. It will be useful, hoping not late.

related story:;_ylt=At59o_nPHNa5gqkebzZWrK2s0NUE

by Silvia Szarkova
for PocketNews (

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