Tuesday, August 26, 2008

China could try to change weather for opening ceremony
by Paulina Neshybova

The people and mainly the government is fully concerned about hosting the Olympics this summer, becuase August is a raining season in this area.
Organizers of the Summer Olympic Games, which are planned to be held in Beijing are very afraid of the weather forecast for next month. The past few weeks are for this city not very bright, as it was raining there and the fog is so thick, that you could not even see the sun.
Therefore the organizers decided that in a month it will be different and they are trying to prepare for the possible artificial modification of weather. The weather forecast showed that there is 30 to 40 percent possibility of having those heavy rains, which is quite a big number.
Administration official Chen Zhenlin told reporters that they are making serious preparations for this influence, and so far, they were making experiments about rains from the year 2003. However, he also said that they are not so far to say if they will create only light rains or the heavy ones. Here we can see that humankind is once more making experiments which are not natural and just because of something that again created man. They are arguing that they hav a new IBM supercomputer which could help them in weather forecasting.
At the press conference at the Beijing Olympic Media Center on Wednesday, Wang Jianjie, vice-director and spokeswoman of the Beijing Meteorological Bureau told reporters that they are ready to use all the scientific methods and advanced Technologies to prevent weather to be inadequate for the Olympics.

by Paulina Neshybova
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