Musharraf's turbulent 9 years in power
by Paulina Neshybova
Musharraf was born Auagust 11, 1943 in New Delhi in India. His family migrated towards west when there was a big split of India and Pakistan while the independence from Britain in 1947. Then he entered the army and was accused for not discipline, but later he was freed because of his brave character which appeared during th second war with India. He spent in the army almost seven years when Sharif promoted him to be the army chief in 1998. His great career began. Following the next year, he led an amry operation against part held by India, Kashmir. But his relationship with Sharf got worse agter he called back the Pakistan troops.
Meanwhile, Sharif was accused of hijacking and the he was sentenced to prison. But he went to exile in 2000. Musarraf made a bloodless coup which was welcomed in Pakistan.
However, avter the attack on NY and Washington, his position became reallly bad. He had to make a hard decicion. Although Pakistan had been an instrumnet while rising the Taliban, now Musharraf agreed to help U.S. and therefore he got the needed Money to avoid the country´s bancrutp.
After his decicon, he was marked by talibana and al-Qaida as unwanted. During the years 2002 and 2003 he survived at least three attempts for assassination.
He himself made a president in 2002 and dismissed the chief justice by changing the constitution Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry. After the opposition grew he replaced also some other free-minded justices.
But having the problems at home, unabled him to fight abroad. Taliban and al-Qaida in the meantime were trying to gain control over some areas in the nortwest of Pakistan and began to make some suicidal attack on key person in the politics. After this, he left the postition o farmy chief but rejected to resign as a president. However, in the Freburary his opponenst won the preliminary elections. Among opponets is aslo Sharif seeking his political revenge. Now he is facing a national crisis.
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
posted by Lucia Adamova
Meanwhile, Sharif was accused of hijacking and the he was sentenced to prison. But he went to exile in 2000. Musarraf made a bloodless coup which was welcomed in Pakistan.
However, avter the attack on NY and Washington, his position became reallly bad. He had to make a hard decicion. Although Pakistan had been an instrumnet while rising the Taliban, now Musharraf agreed to help U.S. and therefore he got the needed Money to avoid the country´s bancrutp.
After his decicon, he was marked by talibana and al-Qaida as unwanted. During the years 2002 and 2003 he survived at least three attempts for assassination.
He himself made a president in 2002 and dismissed the chief justice by changing the constitution Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry. After the opposition grew he replaced also some other free-minded justices.
But having the problems at home, unabled him to fight abroad. Taliban and al-Qaida in the meantime were trying to gain control over some areas in the nortwest of Pakistan and began to make some suicidal attack on key person in the politics. After this, he left the postition o farmy chief but rejected to resign as a president. However, in the Freburary his opponenst won the preliminary elections. Among opponets is aslo Sharif seeking his political revenge. Now he is facing a national crisis.
related story:;_ylt=Ai2lmvaPd0KWdTEbCzT7f9es0NUE
by Paulina Neshybova for PocketNews ( |
PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>
posted by Lucia Adamova
Labels: CantellTV, Chris Cantell, Christopher Cantell, digital broadcasting, SigEx Foundry, SigEx Telecom, World News
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