Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When there is not enough tears to cry out
by Barbora Misakova

Sometimes there are so tragic incidents which are very hard to talk about. Tragedies which hit hundreds of people and sometimes even whole families. And in these cases the rest of the world is struck too. One of these hard moments came again. It's Wednesday. The sun is shining, and you are putting all your luggage into the car. Kids are impatiently sitting on the back seats, screaming and laughing. They cannot wait till they are in Las Palmas bathing and playing on the beach. Everything goes well, you are coming at the airport, go through check in, getting on the plane. You know nothing about the tragedy which is going to happen. You are just thinking about the holidays with your husband and children. About the sun, beaches, good food and relax. Your thoughts are interrupted for a while by delay of plane departure. But when you are told there are just some little problems with gauge and your flight is going to be delayed until it is fixed, you dip yourself into your holiday thoughts again. After an hour your plane is finally taking off. But it is not even 3 minutes your are flying and there are some problems. Plane is veering right, still quicker and quicker. You don't know what's going on, people are scared, children are crying. And then....

TV news: “A plane heading to Canary Islands crashed at Madrid airport! 153 dead!” It's hardly to believe that so many people can die at the same moment. Even more unbelievable is that 19 of them survived. Spanair MD-82 carried 172 crew members and passengers including 2 babies and 20 youngsters. After the unexpected tragic crash is the Madrid's Barajas International Airport full of ambulances, police officers and fire men. Everyone is trying to help, but the view is just shocking. Lot of burned bodies lying on the grass in the deadly cramp, lot of them were children. Burned pieces of plane are hardly to recognize, the fuselage is completely destroyed. Helicopters are dumping water on the burning plane, rescue workers are trying to find those who can be still alive. Dead bodies by the statement of police officers are so hot that it is more than impossible to touch them. As informed Spanair spokeswoman Susana Vergara, the cause of the crash is under investigation. Even though the reason of a crash wasn't found yet, the problem probably occurred during the takeoff.

related story:;_ylt=ArFicHmJ3PHp.Hg7qVWnvi2s0NUE

by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (

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