Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bush cancelled the agreement between U.S. and Russia
by Livia Cseresova

The civilian nuclear cooperation deal between Russia and the United States of America has been cancelled on Monday by the president of the United States, George Bush, as announced by Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of the United States.

Bush cancelled the agreement as a sign of disapproval of steps of Russia in Georgia. But just a couple of months ago, in May, he sent the very same deal signed after two years of negotiations between Moscow and Washington to Congress for approval.

In her speech, Condoleezza Rice said that the United States “make this decision with regret. Unfortunately, given the current environment, the time is not right for this agreement.” Truth to be told, though, it was not very likely that the agreement would be fully approved this year anyway. And Russia may not be very happy about the definite canceling, although the Russian Embassy in Washington said there would be no comment on Bush’s action.

For Bush, the canceling of the deal means slowing down some issues. The agreement would have helped Washington to access to Russian nuclear technology and to deal with climate change by rising civilian nuclear energy use worldwide.

According to Rice “The U.S. non-proliferation goals contained in the agreement remain valid: to provide a sound basis for U.S.-Russian civilian nuclear cooperation, create commercial opportunities and enhance cooperation with Russia on important global non-proliferation issues.”

Rice did not said at all whether Bush decided to cancelled the deal because of invasion of Georgia but Bush said so. He said he withdrawn it “in view of recent actions by the government of the Russian Federation incompatible with peaceful relations with its sovereign and democratic neighbor Georgia.”

by Livia Cseresova
for PocketNews (

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