Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Colombia rescues Betancourt, 3 U.S. hostages
by Radka Konkolova
Misery lasting for about six years has definitely ended. I think that fifteen people, including former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three American soldiers, will keep the date of July 2nd, 2008 in mind till their death. This was namely the day of their rescue. This 46-year old woman has been missing for six years after she was kidnapped by rebels of FARC, what is considered to be terrorist group. Other victims besides her were also three American soldiers who had been captive in 2003 when their light aircraft had crashed while a counternarcotics operation in Columbia jungle. FARC is a revolt group fighting against the Columbia government for approximately 40 years. Their stay is only in jungle, probably they don't leave it anymore or only in need. The members haven't got a job like ordinary people. Finances and guns they get from the illegal cocaine dealing which can offer them everything they want. Because Betancourt has got a double nationality (Colombian and French) also French president Nicolas Sarkozy and the whole French government have wanted and been trying to do their best to save her from the captivity of leftist guerillas. And thanks to Colombian troops posing as aid workers they passed this. The Colombian president, who has been also very popular among the citizens, is very satisfied with this result because he has spent billions of dollars to push Colombian rebels to defensive, cut crime and support economic growth. And it repaid to him and made him more popular than he was ever before. Everyone from the group of captive people have been very happy. As well as their families which have spent long years waiting and trembling about lives of their loved relatives. So now they can be more calm and savour the time they have lost. Saved hostages are in quite good health despite the fact they were busted for such a long time. Rebels sometimes during their “predominance” over captives coerced the former presidential candidate to be shown on the video in order to demonstrate to the whole world she and others were alive. But on the last video from the end of the last year she looked very despondent, gaunt and ill. But now she is in process of recovering with help of her family. Columbian president Alvaro Uribe has alerady been talking with French president Sarkozy as well as American contemporary president George Bush Jr. who congratulate him for accomplishment of such a successful action and thank him for rescuing their citizens. So now former hostages will be frightened by nightmares maybe but the good thing on it is the fact they won't have to go through them in reality as they had to till now. Because you can still wake up from the nightmare...
related story:;_ylt=AgboCN.xM.ysMGWVKrw2S_ys0NUE
by Radka Konkolova for PocketNews ( |
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Labels: CantellTV, Chris Cantell, Christopher Cantell, digital broadcasting, SigEx Foundry, SigEx Telecom, World News
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